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What makes you think Di Matteo is an improvement on O'Neill?
Number 1
I think this is the first job he has struggled in, He had a lot of success with Leicester, Celtic and Villa, Although he was given strong financial backing at all those clubs.
Number 1
Either way... get the fuck in!
Slashman X
Also; http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/20661695
Michael Owen's appalling attempt at a Manchester XI
Slashman X
Number 1
Slashman X
Number 1
I thought I could hear that. Ironically he's been our one real crosser this second half.
Schwarzer's looked unconvincing but tame long shots are hardly going to exploit that...
Really need to bring on Marveaux or Ferguson. Its fucking stupid bringing on Ameobi for the one player who can create the sort of service he needs.
Number 1
Number 1
He had a tonne of money at these clubs.
People don't realize quite how much he spent at villa. He must have spent about 30m+ a season and broke their transfer record about 3/4 times. Broke Celtics several times too.
He only left because he was told they wouldn't be able to spend as much anymore.
Andy Cav
On the subject of Newcastle, Marveaux confuses me, in the match against Wigan I was expecting to see him favoured to Jonas on the wing due to him actually being a winger. Jonas has got the engine to cover the left side as he does when Ben Arfa is ahead of him, but I think if Wigan hadn't have had Figueroa sent off, Marveaux could have been exposed in the center. I'd also prefer to see Pardew go with both strikers up top, Cisse is wasted on the wing.
Andy Cav
MON still seems to have the backing of the fans, but his tactics are the main problem imo. Fletcher seems to be isolated and the only man in the box, with Johnson and McClean playing as very wide wingers, and their main tactic seems to be 'get to the byline, hit a cross' but they have nothing to aim at, with Gardner and Cattermole very, very deep. I reckon Sunderland should drop Sessegnon and put on another striker and go with a 4-4-2. It would increase the chances of a cross actually finding a striker.
I wouldn't really say Marveaux is a winger, he's a very weird player, but he's not the sort of guy to give natural width, I reckon Pardew would worry about him and HBA in the same team. But I reckon Pardew has completely forgot how he got Newcastle to play well last season.
Andy Cav
Sunderland need a new striker if they're going for 2 up top.
I think in January top priority should be buying a back up for Cabaye, because we simply don't have a midfielder who can create at the moment, meaning most of our play in predicatable and slow and results in a Jonas/Santon/Simpson delivery. I sort of reckon Guthrie on loan might be a good option.
Sunderland have Saha, Campbell, Wickham and Ji so they should be able to make do until January imo. I really hope they don't get Guidetti though.
Andy Cav
Out of Saha, Campbell, Wickham and Ji, would you have any of them now? Campbell just isn't right at the moment and Saha has been less than impressive.