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Cheers Cymro
Absolutely Dan but it'll be interesting to see were I head next as their isn't many jobs available, at this moment in time.
As expected, I have ended my reign at Scottish side Rangers at the beginning of June twenty twenty five after eleven or twelve seasons at Ibrox in which I've won so many League Cups, Scottish Cups, two Champions League's, the Club World Cup twice, the European Super Cup once and of course TEN Scottish Premiership crowns along with a League One and Championship title.
I'm pleased the board were able to pay tribute to me as I've thoroughly enjoyed my long spell (longest career I've had at one club for quite a while) and I'm looking to return to football management as soon as possible, but only if I can find the correct club.
Or, this could be the one knows yet.
This was my record at Rangers Football Club and it's not stats you can turn your nose up at (even if I was managing in Scotland) but I ended up with an 85% win ratio, which I think it sensational as I won 580 out of the 680 games in charge, scoring just over TWO THOUSAND goals and conceding just over six hundred in all competitions. Remarkable.
Welcome to the Hall of Fame! Thoroughly deserved, please keep it going though