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Why do you overrate that performance of Arsenal.
As stated above the win came under very lucky circumstances.
Ok. If you say so.
they must really be shit.
EDIT: I don't watch any German football, but how is that a 'mostly' reserve side?
Ribery, the 2nd most influential Bayern player was missing.
Boateng, the first team defender was missing so that an aging and slow van Buyten, who had to blend into the team first, was playing.
You could see the foremost plan was to concentrate on letting the game run through without conceding more than 2 goals, always having in mind the next bundesliga game , not to get in too much to risk injuries for that game.
(Which they wouldnt have anyway because Arsenal only had 2 chances and both were in)
Quote Philip Lahm after the game:
"If you give not 100% like yesterday its not so easy."
That says it all about how the Bayern players took that game.
The 1st goal was lucky because Walcott plays through Dantes legs which normally never happens to Dante and aging van Buyten is of course too slow to stop Giroud in that situation.
The 2nd goal was a header from a corner.
But in the end, nothing happened, no danger for the Bayern goal apart from those 2 chances (goals).
I did not see any more clear chances for Arsenal.
Bayern did just enough to go through and why blame them?
Chelsea did just the same to Bayern in last years CL final and thats ok as well.
They did what they had to do and nothing more. Result - they are through and thats what counts in the end.
And just compare the shots on goal of both teams and think about the word "luck" again
The tie is over and one can complain everytime about past matches and how they were decided.
But thats not the point here.
Its about how the "immense" win of Arsenal is being celebrated.
Thats just the wrong way to do it.
One should not be blind and get oneself deluded by a match like this.
Thats the important thing.
But then again I am not an Arsenal supporter so fuck it and do what you please.
And: I am not a Bayern fan either, i rather hate them, because i support BVB
Juventus v Barcelona
PSG v Galatasaray
Real Madrid v Dortmund
Bayern Munich v Malaga
Slashman X
PSG - Barca
Real - Gala
Malaga - Dortmund
Looks tasty
Dortmund and Madrid should be through with very little problem. PSG Barca could be a banana skin, but Barca should go through, Bayern Juve on paper should be tight, though.
Slashman X
I shouldn't think so.
Gala are basically only here because of a lucky draw and us playing our kids against them (tbh, we were the better side in that game anyway).
Madrid will have far too much for them, Ronaldo will eat up Eboue and spit him out.
PSG - Barca
Real - Gala
Malaga - Dortmund
Number 1
Bayern vs Juve looks the best tie for me.
Eric Portapotty
Telegram Sam
How good would it be if the two semi-finals were Bayern-Dortmund and Barcelona-Madrid?
Telegram Sam
Shouldn't you have faith in your side, ede?
Slashman X
Eric Portapotty
His what? He hates Bayern.
They didnt this time and it seems they scapped it.
But dont ask me why