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No they don't. Some people break the glass back though and that is pretty damn tough.
King Luis
Then just buy a new one, mousemats are quite cheap...
Steam sales are pretty much the modern equivalent of the bargain bin, isn't it?
King Luis
And 6 months car tax
Funny, I just got one on Ebay thanks to a helpful chap in the sports discussion forum.
That's my Dad's fathers day present sorted, if it's good enough for Bruce Dickinson it's good enough for him!
Phoenix Arrow
Comined with a bunch of Barr's Cream Soda, yoghurt raisins and condoms. I am the best at life.
Dickhead. If you'd ask me I could have got you it for free. Jawbone are one of my sister's clients, I have about six sitting round my house.
I read that at school.
I was bored out of my friggin' mind.
Now for a game...
Phoenix Arrow
Then you were wrong. Even if you don't like his stories, his writing is beautiful in the way sentences are put together.
I was reading a Swedish translation.
Phoenix Arrow
Particularly liking the use of Gastly's pokemon card as a bookmark
Let me know how they are, played a demo of the game but still not decided about it. Heard good things about the bracelet, but does it actually work well?
Could be my next purchases if so
Phoenix Arrow
I found a shit ton of Pokemon doubles I had in an old cupboard and I don't have any proper bookmarks because I'm not a massive fag so it seemed like the best thing to do. I was going to use a psychic energy one, but I didn't want it to use dream eater on me.
Mr Willy
Have you tried one out? Been thinking about getting one for a while, but worried it might be little more than an expensive bangle.
Phoenix Arrow
Without wanting to sound like a cunt, don't use Windows 8. On tablets, it's fine. On PCs it's a massive ball ache. If you can, I'd highly recommend rolling back to Windows 7. It just works better as an operating system, most of the bugs are ironed out, it looks nicer, you can actually install shit on it, it's more user friendly. We would've had a lot less calls from people trying to work from home this year if Windows 8 hadn't happened. We also wouldn't have to say "there is nothing we can do, Windows 8 just won't let you use the software".
The best thing I can suggest doing is messing with your DPI settings if you can. If that was happening to me, I'd just reinstall Windows tbh. I'd resinstall Windows 8 once more, maybe twice, and if the same shit happened I'd go back to 7.
I downloaded start menu 8 to enable the old style menu in the bottom left corner, the exclusion of which was my only gripe with W8.