FMC FLUT skin for FM 2014 v.2.0 [Updated 30.07.2014]

Skin style FMC for FM 2014 for FM 2014 career mode (1920x1080 and 1600x900).

I'm pleased to present you the new update of the version 2.0 of FMC FLUTSkin for FM 14 (white version) – 1920x1080

Thanks to all for your reported bugs. A special thanks to rune (from german Meistertrainerforum) and leo_crumb.

As always I would appreciate it if you could tell me when and in what circumstances (or panels) the bugs arise.

This FlutSkin version includes lots of changes in 1920x1080 version (not the 1600x900).

Note that although you can find the two versions of the skin, I only updated 1920x1080 version.

Besides lots of minor graphics changes here are the most important tweaks in this update for FlutSkin version 2.0:

- “New” attributes profile panel (status icons included)
- “New” board room panel
- Fixed the club overview panel and inclusion of tabs and new information (board confidence panel)
- “New” match titlebar score (stadium name, picture and conditions included; calendar and weather icon included)
- “New” team report summary panel
- Match inbetween highlights: 5 panels with fixed size

Installation Instructions

Step 1
Download the skin and extract the files (using either 7-Zip for Windows or The Unarchiver for Mac).

Step 2
Open the extracted folder “fmcFlutSkin2014v2.0update30july2014" and Move the two folders inside into your skins folder:

Win Vista/7/8: C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2014\skins
Win XP: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\My Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2014\skins
Mac OS X: /Users/<username>/Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2014/skins

Create the folder "skins" if it doesn't exist.

Step 3
Start the game and go to Preferences screen and Interface tab.
You should see "FMC 2014 FLUT skin 2.0” and "FMC 2014 FLUT skin 2.0 1600x900” as options in the skin drop down of the Overview box.

Choose the version for the resolution you want.
Hit the Confirm button.

This skin was created by flut.
15 years ago
10 hours ago
I wonder if there is a way to change this....
example not to show kits in two different position (general and information)
because for teams with 2 kits in information is not so good to see a third white kit...

or fix it..
example with default skin
if a team have 2 kits... in info there are 2 kits.. not 3..

Sorry but I don't know how make it works as you want...
18 years ago
1 month ago
IF You apply the same "line", in general (where there 2 or 3 kits ... as the DB )
Anyway this skin is the best .....
12 years ago
2 years ago
No#1 Skin Extremely visible everything is nice to notice
15 years ago
10 hours ago
No#1 Skin Extremely visible everything is nice to notice

Thanks ;-)
14 years ago
1 year ago
Just downloaded and tried out this skin. Really like it however I noticed that on the main title bar where it lists your club and what position it is in for the league it says, for example "9th na Premier League"... rather than "9th in Premier League".

Is there any quick way for me to fix this error?

*EDIT* Nevermind, I see this was pointed out earlier in the post. Awesome work!
14 years ago
2 years ago
i literally cant get this to work on any resolution at all!! anyone have any ideas why?

its always like the screenshot!
10 years ago
10 years ago
Concerning the panels of match inbetween highlights, how can I get rid of those completely? I don't like how they pop-in at all but there seems to be no option for disabling these, any help is much appreciated. Otherwise awesome skin!
15 years ago
10 hours ago
Concerning the panels of match inbetween highlights, how can I get rid of those completely? I don't like how they pop-in at all but there seems to be no option for disabling these, any help is much appreciated. Otherwise awesome skin!


In fact there is a bug (the button to uncheck doesn't work). If you don't want to see the match between highlights panel you can uncheck it with other skin and then return to flutskin (the box will be uncheked too).
10 years ago
10 years ago
In fact there is a bug (the button to uncheck doesn't work). If you don't want to see the match between highlights panel you can uncheck it with other skin and then return to flutskin (the box will be uncheked too).

Thanks but I'm using the Split-View with the 2D-Camera (which is awesome imo) now and everything works great. Do you intend to fix this with an upcoming update/new version of FLUT Skin?
15 years ago
10 hours ago
Thanks but I'm using the Split-View with the 2D-Camera (which is awesome imo) now and everything works great. Do you intend to fix this with an upcoming update/new version of FLUT Skin?

Hi tattsumi

Concerning your question...unfortunately I don't know how to fix the bug I referred...;-(

15 years ago
7 months ago
Possibilities of dark version for this skin?

Anyway this is a great skins an one of the bests out there!!!
15 years ago
10 hours ago
Possibilities of dark version for this skin?

Anyway this is a great skins an one of the bests out there!!!

Thanks. ;-)
You can find the dark version here in FM14 Skins topic. However the dark version doesn't have the latest two updates...Maybe someday I will decide to update it ;-)
15 years ago
15 hours ago
Go on Flut update the dark skin...You made so you might aswell update it
18 years ago
11 hours ago
i agree i play with the dark skin please update it soon
12 years ago
7 years ago
Is there a way to change the hightlights speed during the match? For some reason yesterday it reset itself to maximum, and as I could not find the controls, I was forced to watch a FM game Benny Hill style :/ Apart from that, top stuff!
15 years ago
10 hours ago
Is there a way to change the hightlights speed during the match? For some reason yesterday it reset itself to maximum, and as I could not find the controls, I was forced to watch a FM game Benny Hill style :/ Apart from that, top stuff!

Thanks ;-)
Concerning your question, I don't know if I understood but you could change the highlights speed in the bottom right button (with the definitions).
12 years ago
7 years ago
Ah, I see, I have a no commentary mod which removed this part of the skin. Thanx!
Edwin Tan
14 years ago
2 years ago
Hi, I am not able to edit the contract wages for club staffs using the online in-game editor. Also, there is no INSTANT RESULT button. Are you able to look into fix the bug please? Other than all these, I really like the skin very much! Great work.
15 years ago
10 hours ago
Hi, I am not able to edit the contract wages for club staffs using the online in-game editor. Also, there is no INSTANT RESULT button. Are you able to look into fix the bug please? Other than all these, I really like the skin very much! Great work.


Thanks ;-)
Concerning your questions:
1. The skin is able to use the Editor, however I don't know how to help you because I don't use it (I never used it);
2. The Instant Result are also included (in black, below the continue button).

Lord Rooibos
10 years ago
1 year ago
Hi !

Is there a way to play with this skin when your resolution is 1366 x 768 ?
15 years ago
10 hours ago

Unfortunately I did it only for 1920x1080 and 1600x900. So the skin don't works properly with smaller resolutions...You can try the 1600x900 with 75 zoom but I think it will be too small and maybe unreadable...sorry ;-(
10 years ago
10 years ago
If you're going to the "Club Overview" shouldn't under the tab "Key Employees" pictures and the names of the staff and players which are your key employees?

In the "old" 2.0 version I used prior to this update these pictures and names were visible.
15 years ago
10 hours ago
Hi Tattsumi

Could you please put a screenshot with the problem?
10 years ago
10 years ago
Hi Tattsumi

Could you please put a screenshot with the problem?

Yes of course! Here it is..
15 years ago
10 hours ago
Yes of course! Here it is..

Thanks. ;-)
This happens because you play in windowed mode. If you use full mode the pictures will appear.
However if you want, you can edit the xml in order to fit the pictures.
Go to the panels folder of the skin and find "bergkamp club overview staff panel". Open it and search for

<container default_height="200" priority="1">

Change the value 200 for other value (smaller than 200).

10 years ago
10 years ago
Thanks for the fix Flut!
15 years ago
10 hours ago
12 years ago
2 weeks ago
Hi Flut sorry to be such a pain. I've just downloaded the updated skin and I'm loving the new additions, but I have found some small problems i'm wondering you could help me with if you get the time? In the pictures below I've highlighted the problem area with a red box.

1. Before the match on the match analysis screen where it says each teams status and key man it a little too big for my resolution. Again could you tell me what panel i need to edit to make it smaller?

2. When you're in game watching a match do you know how to edit the font colour so it isn't the same colour as the background?

3. Lastly, could you tell me what panels i need to edit and what i need to change in the file. There's 4 panels i need to know the name of so i can make them slightly smaller so they fit my resolution.

Thanks again, your help is much appreciated.

Again thank you so much for your help, It's much appreciated.
15 years ago
10 hours ago
Hi Flut sorry to be such a pain. I've just downloaded the updated skin and I'm loving the new additions, but I have found some small problems i'm wondering you could help me with if you get the time? In the pictures below I've highlighted the problem area with a red box.

1. Before the match on the match analysis screen where it says each teams status and key man it a little too big for my resolution. Again could you tell me what panel i need to edit to make it smaller?

2. When you're in game watching a match do you know how to edit the font colour so it isn't the same colour as the background?

3. Lastly, could you tell me what panels i need to edit and what i need to change in the file. There's 4 panels i need to know the name of so i can make them slightly smaller so they fit my resolution.

Thanks again, your help is much appreciated.

Again thank you so much for your help, It's much appreciated.


I'll try to tell you what are the xml you have to edit....but is not easy to explain you....

1. You have to search "match pre match panel" in panels folder.

<container class="vertical_adaptive_container" inset="0" offset="0" gap="10">

<container default_height="-3">

and try to change the value "-3" for "-4" (the number will increase the top left of the panel and diminish the box with the green grass; maybe, however, the green grass will be unformatted; in order to adjust it you have to edit match8 picture (you will find it in graphics/boxes/flut/match8);

2. This is weird, because in my game the font colour is okay. Try the following:
go to "match team stats table overview1" and change the colour and/or the font in the following code

<record index="0" colour="title" font="fonts/panel_title4" size="9" />

<record index="1" colour="title" font="fonts/panel_title4" size="9" />
<record index="2" colour="title" font="fonts/panel_title4" size="9"/>
<record index="4" colour="title" font="fonts/panel_title4" size="9"/>

3. Because of your resolution my suggestion is to delete the honours panel (if you will do that the other problems will be fixed).
You just have to go to "team container information overview panel.xml", and delete the following code

<container priority="3" default_height="-2" minimum_height="120" >
<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="0" layout_children="true" />
<layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" offset="0" gap="0"/>
<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" offset="0" layout_children="true" />
<widget class="team_container_honours_panel" id="hons" default_height="-1" minimum_height="120" priority="2">
<record id="object_property">
<integer id="get_property" value="objt" />
<integer id="set_property" value="objt" />

12 years ago
2 weeks ago

I'll try to tell you what are the xml you have to edit....but is not easy to explain you....

1. You have to search "match pre match panel" in panels folder.

<container class="vertical_adaptive_container" inset="0" offset="0" gap="10">

<container default_height="-3">

and try to change the value "-3" for "-4" (the number will increase the top left of the panel and diminish the box with the green grass; maybe, however, the green grass will be unformatted; in order to adjust it you have to edit match8 picture (you will find it in graphics/boxes/flut/match8);

2. This is weird, because in my game the font colour is okay. Try the following:
go to "match team stats table overview1" and change the colour and/or the font in the following code

<record index="0" colour="title" font="fonts/panel_title4" size="9" />

<record index="1" colour="title" font="fonts/panel_title4" size="9" />
<record index="2" colour="title" font="fonts/panel_title4" size="9"/>
<record index="4" colour="title" font="fonts/panel_title4" size="9"/>

3. Because of your resolution my suggestion is to delete the honours panel (if you will do that the other problems will be fixed).
You just have to go to "team container information overview panel.xml", and delete the following code

<container priority="3" default_height="-2" minimum_height="120" >
<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="0" layout_children="true" />
<layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" offset="0" gap="0"/>
<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" offset="0" layout_children="true" />
<widget class="team_container_honours_panel" id="hons" default_height="-1" minimum_height="120" priority="2">
<record id="object_property">
<integer id="get_property" value="objt" />
<integer id="set_property" value="objt" />



Thanks, I've got 1 and 3 working, but I'm sorry if I'm missing something obvious but for number 2 what exactly do i need to change to change the colour of the font? Or I could just change the colour of the background. I still have the files from 1.7 update so what files would i need to copy over to get the background back to black on the team stats and the match panel like in 1.7?


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