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Slashman X
Telegram Sam
Yeah, I'm beginning to think that way.
It's so fucking frustrating because we build up some superb momentum in the last ten games of last season and now that momentum is almost certainly gone. If we'd bought two or three quality players we could have continued that good form and really made a good go at the title, but now we somehow find ourselves with a weaker squad than the one that went to Newcastle and we're looking over out shoulders rather than aiming forward. It's a complete shambles and has by far been the most frustrating period I've experienced as an Arsenal fan.
Slashman X
Or third.
I think a 27 point swing in their favour is ridiculously optomistic.
Slashman X
2 tricasts of 1. City 2. Chelsea 3. Spurs & 1.Chelsea 2. City 3.Spurs. Both 50/1
Number 1
Some Newcastle fans think we have no ambition not signing him but £70,000-a-week for him is wildly over the top.
Back-up for van Wolfswinkel and Hooper?
Would be an improvement on Becchio I guess.
That's almost certainly a fake account by the way.
Meh, would have preferred Siqueira.
Not going to get excited after not getting Mkhitaryan.
In the past few days we've been linked to 5 Real Madrid players (Modric, Ozil, Ronaldo, Khedira and Di Maria) and a Madrid radio show has said we've made a bif of £40m but they don't know who for.
Seems a bit bizarre to have been linked to that many players from one club. Although knowing us this transfer window we probably have made a £40m bid ... for Ronaldo.
Slashman X
Marca have also said that Falcao has been transfer listed by Monaco
Gotta love Marca.
I was in Monaco last week actually and they had big pictures up every where saying something along the lines of.
'I am Monaco, I am a team, I am Falcao'
I thought it was a bit off to all their new players plastering posters around the country basically calling themselves a one man team.
Loads of Newcastle fans seem to be very bitter about missing out on a transfer target they didn't even want. One bad season and football fans turn into petulant children demanding the club spends as much money as it can on anybody, ignoring value for money, and willing to pay over the odds just for the 'boost' of having someone to parade around the club website. We need to show our ambition and sign Darren Bent on £70kpw then not play him as he's not good enough.
Same bunch of fans who will complain that transfer deadline days are boring, because Newcastle aren't desperately panic buying.
Hope we don't go spunking £30m on him.
If it gets back on the track, you have a good team.
Either that, or Moncao have to pay a £75m fine
Slashman X
Imagine if Arsenal signed him? Would be unreal
Kokorin and Denisov were signed by Anzhi in June 2013 and then sold to Dynamo Moscow in August 2013.Also Emenike was bought by Fenerbahce in May 2011 and sold to Spartak Moscow in July 2013.
You can't play for three different clubs in the same season. Since Falcao moved before playing any games at Atletico in the 13/14 season he could switch clubs again.
Telegram Sam
Firstly, I'm highly sceptical that he'd have to leave Monaco. Secondly, I doubt Wenger would bid. Thirdly, if he did become available and we were interested, I'm sure someone like Chelsea or Real Madrid would step in before we could do anything.
Slashman X
King Luis