This page refers to an older game FM15. View Italian Serie D Grp. H in all games.

The Italian Serie D Grp. H is a league in Football Manager 2015. Serie D Grp. H can be found in Italy in FM 15.

This page describes Italian Serie D Grp. H in FM15 if you are looking for a Data Update that updates the FM15 Database with updated squads, latest transfers and promotions and relegations then download the FM15 Database Update instead.

Italian Serie D Grp. H
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Manage in Italian Serie D Grp. H in Football Manager 2015

Are you looking to manage a team in Italian Serie D Grp. H in FM15? Why not try finding a random team to manage in Italian Serie D Grp. H and then share your career in our Careers Section.

Name Balance Budget Wage Avg Age Avg Att Training Newgens Yth Recruitment Rating Potential
Ars et Labor Grottaglie £89k £15k 1,000 Below Average Basic Limited 48 50
Arzanese £175k £27k 347 Poor Basic Limited 50 53
Bisceglie Don Uva £118k £24k 0 Poor Poor Limited 52 55
Cavese £135k £31k 1,929 Adequate Below Average Limited 51 53
Città di Brindisi £161k £31k 1,700 Average Basic Limited 51 54
Fidelis Andria £121k £20k 2,599 Average Adequate Limited 51 55
Francavilla in Sinni £98k £19k 1,200 Basic Poor Limited 50 52
Gallipoli Football 1909 £81k £12k 2,000 Adequate Below Average Limited 50 53
Gelbison Vallo della Lucania £90k £16k 1,050 Below Average Poor Limited 49 51
Manfredonia £90k £16k 1,186 Adequate Poor Limited 49 52
Monopoli 1966 £124k £27k 2,500 Below Average Poor Limited 51 53
Pomigliano £101k £20k 600 Adequate Poor Limited 50 52
Potenza £11k 0 Poor Poor Limited 51 53
Puteolana 1902 £95k £18k 0 Poor Poor Limited 49 51
San Severo £87k £14k 0 Poor Poor Limited 50 53
Sarnese (Real Trentinara) £40k 0 Poor Poor Limited 47 49
Taranto £202k £34k 4,586 Good Below Average Limited 54 57
U.S. Scafatese £40k 0 Poor Poor Limited 48 51