This page refers to an older game FM19. View Italian Serie D Grp. H in all games.

The Italian Serie D Grp. H is a league in Football Manager 2019. Serie D Grp. H can be found in Italy in FM 19.

This page describes Italian Serie D Grp. H in FM19 if you are looking for a Data Update that updates the FM19 Database with updated squads, latest transfers and promotions and relegations then download the FM19 Database Update instead.

Italian Serie D Grp. H
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Manage in Italian Serie D Grp. H in Football Manager 2019

Are you looking to manage a team in Italian Serie D Grp. H in FM19? Why not try finding a random team to manage in Italian Serie D Grp. H and then share your career in our Careers Section.

Name Balance Budget Wage Avg Age Avg Att Training Newgens Yth Recruitment Rating Potential
Audace Cerignola £334k £11k 22.13 2,367 Below Average Poor Limited 57 61
AZ Picerno £45k £11k 21.65 694 Poor Poor Limited 51 55
Bitonto Calcio £33k £9k 23.81 1,100 Basic Poor Limited 48 51
Città di Fasano £42k £13k 24.08 2,500 Basic Poor Limited 52 55
Città di Gragnano £42k £10k 20.11 363 Poor Poor Limited 50 54
FBC Gravina £47k £12k 22.07 2,050 Poor Poor Limited 52 56
Fidelis Andria 2018 £557k £111k 21.53 2,207 Good Below Average Limited 53 58
Francavilla in Sinni £39k £12k 22.74 438 Basic Poor Limited 53 58
Gelbison Vallo della Lucania £40k £11k 22.43 1,050 Below Average Poor Limited 50 54
Granata 1924 0 Basic Basic Limited 49 53
Nardò £50k £17k 21.19 950 Poor Basic Limited 51 55
Nola 1925 £36k 22.08 0 Below Average Poor Limited 48 52
Polisportiva Sarnese 1926 £41k £15k 19.4 572 Poor Poor Limited 47 51
Pomigliano £28k £16k 20 317 Adequate Poor Limited 48 52
Savoia 1908 £40k £28k 24.04 1,800 Average Poor Limited 52 54
Sorrento 1945 £39k £33k 21.97 500 Adequate Below Average Limited 48 50
Taranto Football Club 1927 £206k £56k 19.75 3,500 Good Adequate Limited 57 60
Team Altamura £39k £10k 21.42 950 Poor Poor Limited 51 55