This page refers to an older game FM15. View FC 08 Homburg in all games.

FC 08 Homburg are a team in Football Manager 2015. Homburg play in the German Regional Division Southwest in Germany in FM 15.

FC 08 Homburg
German Regional Division Southwest
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Below Average
Youth Facilities
Youth Academy
Fairly Basic
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

FC 08 Homburg Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by FC 08 Homburg will be Basic

FC 08 Homburg Transfers

Looking for players to buy for FC 08 Homburg in Football Manager 2015?

This is a guide to managing FC 08 Homburg in FM15. If you want to play Football Manager 2015 with an updated FC 08 Homburg squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM15 Update which updates the Football Manager 2015 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2015 Data Update you can download.

FC 08 Homburg Players in FM15

All FC 08 Homburg Players in Football Manager 2015
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Chadli Amri 29 AM RLC £3k £165k £73k 29-06-2015
Nils Fischer 27 D RC, DM £740 £161k £70k 29-06-2015
Emil Noll 35 D LC £670 £11k £5k 29-06-2015
Marc Gallego 28 AM R £670 £109k £46k 29-06-2015
Angelo Vaccaro 32 ST £670 £12k £5k 29-06-2015
Sebastian Wolf 29 D LC, DM £670 £85k £35k 29-06-2016
Nico Zimmermann 28 AM RL £2k £97k £40k 29-06-2016
Tim Stegerer 25 D L, DM £670 £80k £34k 29-06-2015
Andreas Gaebler 30 D RC, DM £740 £42k £17k 29-06-2015
André Kilian 27 D L, DM £670 £90k £37k 29-06-2015
Kai Hesse 28 AM R, ST £670 £52k £21k 29-06-2015
Christian Grimm 27 AM LC £560 £88k £36k 29-06-2015
Thierry Steimetz 30 AM C £2k £65k £27k 29-06-2016
Clément Halet 29 D RC £590 £46k £19k 29-06-2016
Steven Kröner 24 D C, DM £560 £60k £24k 29-06-2015
Patrick Schmidt 21 ST £480 £63k £78k 29-06-2015
David Buchholz 29 GK £560 £48k £19k 29-06-2016
Giancarlo Pinna 25 AM C £440 £44k £17k 29-06-2015
Frederic Ehrmann 20 DM £440 £35k £41k 29-06-2016
Marc Buchmann 33 DM £228 £0 £0 30-06-2015
Matteo Timpone 21 AM R, ST £990 £6k £6k 29-06-2015
Tobias Rott 33 GK £180 £1k £2k 29-06-2015

FC 08 Homburg Staff in FM15

FC 08 Homburg Staff in Football Manager 2015
Name Age Job Wage Expires Rating
Jens Kiefer 39 Manager (First Team) £1k 30-06-2017
Thomas Richter 33 Managing Director £600 30-06-2015
Marc Buchmann 33 Manager (U19 Team) £228 30-06-2015
Tobias Rott 33 Player £180 29-06-2015

FC 08 Homburg Peaked Players in FM15

The following players have peaked and will not develop any further in Football Manager 2015
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Christian Grimm 27 AM LC £560 £88k £36k 29-06-2015