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This page refers to an older game Football Manager 2016. View Chinese Taipei Lower Division in all games.

The Chinese Taipei Lower Division is a league in Football Manager 2016. Lower Division can be found in Chinese Taipei (China PR) in FM 16.

This page describes Chinese Taipei Lower Division in FM16 if you are looking for a Data Update that updates the FM16 Database with updated squads, latest transfers and promotions and relegations then download the FM16 Database Update instead.

Chinese Taipei Lower Division
Chinese Taipei (China PR)
Total Teams
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Avg Potential
Manage in Chinese Taipei Lower Division in Football Manager 2016

Are you looking to manage a team in Chinese Taipei Lower Division in FM16? Why not try finding a random team to manage in Chinese Taipei Lower Division and then share your career in our Careers Section.

Name Balance Budget Wage Avg Age Avg Att Training Newgens Yth Recruitment Rating Potential
Air Force Academy £1 £1 50 Poor Poor Limited 16 16
Chang Gung University £1 £1 60 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Chang Jung Christian University 60 Poor Poor Limited 27 28
Changchi University £1 £1 60 Poor Poor Limited 35 36
Changhua University of Education £1 £1 60 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Chaoyang University of Technology 60 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Cheng Kung University £1 £1 60 Poor Poor Limited 6 6
Chi Nan University £1 £1 60 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Chia Nan University of Pharmacy & Science 60 Poor Poor Limited 13 15
Chiao Tung University £1 £1 60 Poor Poor Limited 3 3
Chiayi County £1 £1 80 Poor Poor Limited 7 7
Chiayi University £1 £1 60 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Chin-yi Institute of Technology £1 £1 60 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Chinese Culture University £1 £1 60 Poor Poor Limited 3 3
Chung Cheng Industrial Vocational High School £1 50 Poor Poor Limited 10 12
Chung Cheng University £1 £1 60 Poor Poor Limited 3 3
Chung Hsing University £1 £1 60 Poor Poor Limited 6 6
Chung Hua University £1 £1 60 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Chung Shan Industrial and Commercial School £1 £1 60 Poor Poor Limited 14 18
Chung Shan Medical University £1 £1 60 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Chung Yuan Christian University 60 Poor Poor Limited 9 9
Da Yeh University £1 £1 60 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Diwan College of Management £1 £1 60 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Dong Hwa University £1 £1 60 Poor Poor Limited 13 14
Feng Chia University £1 £1 60 Poor Poor Limited 10 10
Fooyin University £1 £1 60 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Fu Jen Catholic University £1 £1 100 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Hsin Feng Senior High School £1 50 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Hsin Tien £1 £1 80 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Hsing Wu College £1 £1 80 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Hualien County 200 Poor Poor Limited 38 41
Hualien Senior High School £1 50 Poor Poor Limited 7 9
Hualien University of Education £1 £1 60 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Hualien Vocational High School of Agriculture 60 Poor Poor Limited 24 31
Hwa Hsia Institute of Technology £1 £1 60 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
I-lan Senior High School £1 50 Poor Poor Limited 32 38
I-Shou University £1 £1 80 Poor Poor Limited 38 43
Inter Taipei FC 0 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Jin Wen Institute of Technology £1 £1 80 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Kaohsiung City 100 Poor Poor Limited 38 40
Kaohsiung Medical University £1 £1 60 Poor Poor Limited 35 37
Kaohsiung Municipal Lujhu Senior High School 50 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences £1 £1 60 Poor Poor Limited 3 3
Kun Shan University £1 £1 60 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Miaoli County 80 Poor Poor Limited 6 6
Military Academy £1 £1 60 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Ming Hsin University of Science and Technology £1 £1 60 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Nan Oau Senior High School 50 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
National Central University 60 Poor Poor Limited 34 36
National Formosa University 60 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
National Taitung College 60 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
National Taiwan Normal University 60 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
National Taiwan Sport University 60 Poor Poor Limited 9 10
New Taipei Municipal Qingshui High School 50 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Pei Men Senior High School £1 50 Poor Poor Limited 37 43
Ping Tung University of Science and Technology £1 £1 60 Poor Poor Limited 37 43
Pingtung University of Education 80 Poor Poor Limited 35 41
San Chung Senior High School £1 £1 100 Poor Poor Limited 13 15
Shih Chien University £1 £1 60 Poor Poor Limited 13 13
Shih Hsin University 60 Poor Poor Limited 13 13
Soochow University £1 £1 60 Poor Poor Limited 4 4
Southern Taiwan University of Science & Technology 60 Poor Poor Limited 13 13
Sun Yat-sen University £1 £1 60 Poor Poor Limited 9 9
Taibei High School £1 50 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Taichung Municipal Hui-Wen High School 50 Poor Poor Limited 10 13
Tainan City 100 Poor Poor Limited 44 48
Taipei City Dragons 80 Poor Poor Limited 39 41
Taipei City FC 0 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Taipei County 200 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Taipei Medical University £1 £1 60 Poor Poor Limited 34 35
Taipei Physical Education College £1 £1 300 Poor Poor Limited 28 32
Taipei University £1 £1 60 Poor Poor Limited 15 16
Taipei University of Technology £1 £1 60 Poor Poor Limited 9 11
Taitung County 60 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Taitung University £1 £1 60 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Taiwan Ocean University £1 £1 60 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Taiwan University £1 £1 60 Poor Poor Limited 28 32
Taiwan University of Science and Technology 60 Poor Poor Limited 34 36
Tamkang University £1 £1 60 Poor Poor Limited 12 14
Tatung University £1 £1 60 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Thunderbird Soccer Club 50 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Tsing Hua University £1 £1 60 Poor Poor Limited 37 43
Tunghai University £1 £1 60 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Wu Feng Institute of Technology £1 £1 60 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Yang Ming University £1 £1 60 Poor Poor Limited 10 10
Yilan County 100 Poor Poor Limited 10 11
Yuan Ze University 60 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Yunlin University of Science and Technology £1 £1 60 Poor Poor Limited 0 0