This page refers to an older game FM21. View Eastleigh in all games.

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Eastleigh are a team in Football Manager 2021. Eastleigh play in the Vanarama National League in England in FM 21. Eastleigh are a playable team in FM2021. Eastleigh play at a stadium called "Silverlake Stadium" in Football Manager 21.

Vanarama National League
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Below Average
Youth Facilities
Youth Academy
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

Eastleigh Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Eastleigh will be Basic

Eastleigh Transfers

Looking for players to buy for Eastleigh in Football Manager 2021?

This is a guide to managing Eastleigh in FM21. If you want to play Football Manager 2021 with an updated Eastleigh squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM21 Update which updates the Football Manager 2021 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2021 Data Update you can download.

Eastleigh Players in FM21

All Eastleigh Players in Football Manager 2021
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Ben House 21 ST (C) £600 £54k £464k 30-06-2021
Joe Partington 30 D (RC) £2k £39k £38k 30-06-2021
Danny Hollands 34 DM, M (C) £2k £4k £3k 30-06-2021
Joe McDonnell 26 GK £800 £26k £45k 30-06-2021
Alex Wynter 26 D (RLC) £700 £26k £21k 30-06-2021
Joe Tomlinson 20 D/WB (L) £400 £24k £119k 30-06-2021
Jack Payne 28 DM, M (C) £1k £23k £21k 30-06-2021
Andrew Boyce 30 D (C) £1k £18k £14k 30-06-2021
Pierce Bird 21 D (C) £550 £27k £310k 30-06-2022
Tyrone Barnett 34 ST (C) £1k £2k £2k 30-06-2021
Cavaghn Miley 25 DM, M (C) £600 £14k £6k 30-06-2021
Sam Smart 22 M/AM (RC), ST (C) £400 £18k £39k 30-06-2022
Ryan Hill 22 M/AM (RC) £500 £11k £34k 30-06-2021
Abdulai Baggie 28 M (RLC), AM (RL) £600 £9k £7k 30-06-2021
Dan Smith 20 AM (R), ST (C) £500 £10k £55k 30-06-2021
Mike Green 31 D/WB (L) £600 £6k £3k 30-06-2021
Tom Blair 21 M (RL), AM (RLC) £159 £12k £20k 31-05-2022
Ross Flitney 36 GK £500 £1k £0 30-06-2021
Tom Bearwish 20 ST (C) £300 £6k £31k 30-06-2021
Jack Torniainen 18 D (R), DM, M (C) £159 £2k £21k 30-06-2021
Luke Gray 18 M (C) £159 £2k £24k 30-06-2021
Rudy Andrew-Knott 18 AM (RLC) £145 £202 £9k 30-06-2021
Callum Baughan 20 D (C), DM £200 £907 £4k 30-06-2021
Ben Scorey 18 M/AM (L) £145 £1k £4k 30-06-2021
Lewis Beale 18 ST (C) £172 £874 £3k 30-06-2021

Eastleigh Loaned Out Players in FM21

Players out on loan from Eastleigh in Football Manager 2021
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Charlie Philpott 19 GK £159 £642 £4k 30-06-2021
Dan Bradshaw 17 D (R) £159 £791 £24k 30-06-2021

Eastleigh Staff in FM21

Eastleigh Staff in Football Manager 2021
Name Age Job Wage Expires Rating
Ben Strevens 40 Manager (First Team) £700 30-06-2021
Jason Bristow 40 Assistant Manager (First Team) £500 30-06-2021
Andy Cook 51 Head Physio £400 30-06-2022
Ross Flitney 36 Player/GK Coach (First Team) £500 30-06-2021
Jason Brookes 33 Coach (U18 Team) £60
Mick Geddes 71 Director
Peter Vickery 71 Director
Alison Hough 39 Physio (First Team)
Mick Bundy 58 Director
Allen Prebble 59 Director £150
Kenny Amor 38 Director