This page refers to an older game FM18. View Major League Soccer in all games.

MLS Cup trophy 021022.jpg Thumbnail

The Major League Soccer is a league in Football Manager 2018. MLS can be found in United States in FM 18. The Major League Soccer is playable in FM2018.

This page describes Major League Soccer in FM18 if you are looking for a Data Update that updates the FM18 Database with updated squads, latest transfers and promotions and relegations then download the FM18 Database Update instead.

Major League Soccer
United States
Total Teams
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Avg Rating
Avg Potential
Manage in Major League Soccer in Football Manager 2018

Are you looking to manage a team in Major League Soccer in FM18? Why not try finding a random team to manage in Major League Soccer and then share your career in our Careers Section.

Name Balance Budget Wage Avg Age Avg Att Training Newgens Yth Recruitment Rating Potential
Atlanta United £53m £2m £2m 45,000 Superb Good Limited 68 71
Chicago Fire £13m £854k £40k 15,469 Great Average Limited 65 68
Colorado Rapids £7m £526k £13k 16,120 Excellent Average Limited 68 71
Columbus Crew SC £7m £986k £25k 16,739 Good Adequate Limited 66 69
D.C. United £13m £1m £9k 15,822 Great Great Limited 67 69
FC Dallas £7m £3m £10k 13,944 Excellent Great Limited 67 71
Houston Dynamo £20m £2m £8k 18,837 Good Good Limited 66 68
LA Galaxy £66m £5m £8k 24,917 Best Great Limited 68 70
Minnesota United FC £20m £920k 23,475 Great Average Limited 67 69
Montreal Impact £9m £2m £25k 20,960 Good Good Limited 66 69
New England Revolution £8m £657k £23k 19,153 Superb Average Limited 66 68
New York City FC £46m £8m £440k 26,453 Great Good Limited 69 72
New York Red Bulls £33m £3m £126k 20,206 Great Great Limited 66 69
Orlando City £16m £3m £197k 31,873 Great Good Limited 67 70
Philadelphia Union £7m £394k £15k 17,421 Great Great Limited 66 69
Portland Timbers £24m £2m £13k 23,000 Good Average Limited 68 72
Real Salt Lake £13m £1m £9k 19,739 Great Good Limited 68 71
San Jose Earthquakes £16m £788k £6k 20,344 Great Good Limited 67 69
Seattle Sounders FC £37m £1m £20k 42,203 Great Good Limited 69 71
Sporting Kansas City £14m £2m £6k 20,000 Superb Great Limited 66 69
Toronto FC £46m £4m £10k 27,753 Superb Great Limited 68 71
Vancouver Whitecaps FC £11m £986k £35k 22,059 Average Good Limited 67 70