This page refers to an older game FM23. View Major League Soccer in all games.

MLS Cup trophy 021022.jpg Thumbnail

The Major League Soccer is a league in Football Manager 2023. MLS can be found in United States in FM 23. The Major League Soccer is playable in FM2023.

This page describes Major League Soccer in FM23 if you are looking for a Data Update that updates the FM23 Database with updated squads, latest transfers and promotions and relegations then download the FM23 Database Update instead.

Major League Soccer
United States
Total Teams
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Avg Potential
Manage in Major League Soccer in Football Manager 2023

Are you looking to manage a team in Major League Soccer in FM23? Why not try finding a random team to manage in Major League Soccer and then share your career in our Careers Section.

Name Balance Budget Wage Avg Age Avg Att Training Newgens Yth Recruitment Rating Potential
Atlanta United £42m £16m £225k 23.97 34,498 Superb Good Average 73 77
Austin FC £52m £8m £203k 24.96 21,772 Superb Average Average 71 74
CF Montréal £8m £2m £152k 23.46 20,372 Good Good Average 69 73
Charlotte FC £32m £7m £150k 23.75 26,694 Poor Basic Adequate 71 75
Chicago £15m £2m £277k 24.04 17,597 Great Good Average 71 75
Cincinnati £25m £2m £228k 24 21,684 Great Average Adequate 72 75
Colorado £14m £1m £168k 24.34 16,817 Excellent Average Adequate 71 74
Columbus £9m £2m £248k 25.56 19,148 Superb Good Adequate 70 73
D.C. United £11m £2m £270k 25.29 17,737 Great Great Average 72 75
FC Dallas £15m £1m £198k 23.14 17,887 Excellent Great Exceptional 71 76
Houston £15m £1m £241k 24.07 17,557 Great Good Excellent 72 75
Inter Miami £47m £9m £191k 24 17,169 Excellent Good Good 72 75
LA Galaxy £47m £9m £307k 25.54 25,274 Best Great Exceptional 73 76
LAFC £49m £10m £268k 25.15 22,000 Excellent Good Exceptional 74 77
Minnesota Utd £20m £2m £165k 25.25 19,424 Great Average Average 72 74
Nashville £25m £3m £175k 25.96 23,856 Average Adequate Adequate 70 73
New England £13m £1m £249k 24.46 20,705 Superb Average Average 71 75
New York City £35m £7m £135k 22.54 18,344 Superb Great Excellent 73 78
NY Red Bulls £25m £3m £141k 22.1 18,718 Great Great Excellent 70 75
Orlando City £18m £5m £165k 23.48 19,245 Great Good Average 72 75
Philadelphia £14m £2m £167k 24.09 18,848 Great Good Average 71 74
Portland £19m £2m £207k 26.12 22,194 Great Average Adequate 73 76
Real Salt Lake £16m £3m £178k 23.67 20,400 Excellent Great Good 71 75
San Jose £12m £2m £176k 24.07 17,305 Great Good Good 71 74
Seattle £32m £7m £287k 25.65 28,289 Great Good Average 73 75
Sporting KC £18m £5m £217k 26.12 20,195 Superb Great Average 72 74
Toronto FC £34m £11m £478k 25.5 23,057 Superb Great Good 71 74
Vancouver £13m £3m £186k 24 18,376 Great Good Average 70 74