This page refers to an older game FM18. View Bulgarian Third Northwestern League in all games.

The Bulgarian Third Northwestern League is a league in Football Manager 2018. Third Northwestern League can be found in Bulgaria in FM 18.

This page describes Bulgarian Third Northwestern League in FM18 if you are looking for a Data Update that updates the FM18 Database with updated squads, latest transfers and promotions and relegations then download the FM18 Database Update instead.

Bulgarian Third Northwestern League
Total Teams
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Manage in Bulgarian Third Northwestern League in Football Manager 2018

Are you looking to manage a team in Bulgarian Third Northwestern League in FM18? Why not try finding a random team to manage in Bulgarian Third Northwestern League and then share your career in our Careers Section.

Name Balance Budget Wage Avg Age Avg Att Training Newgens Yth Recruitment Rating Potential
Akademik Svishtov £110k £2 £2 300 Below Average Below Average Limited 48 54
Bdin Vidin £110k £2 £2 246 Below Average Adequate Limited 47 51
Botev Lukovit £33k 742 Poor Poor Limited 46 50
Kariana Erden £219k £2 £2 50 Adequate Basic Limited 53 56
Levski 2007 £88k £2 £2 271 Below Average Below Average Limited 48 51
Miziya 2005 £2 £2 0 Poor Poor Limited 26 28
Partizan Cherven bryag £22k £2 £2 300 Poor Poor Limited 44 48
Parva atomna Kozloduy £219k £2 £2 50 Below Average Basic Limited 46 51
Pavlikeni £110k £2 £2 250 Basic Basic Limited 34 37
Sevlievo £175k £2 £2 200 Average Adequate Limited 51 56
Spartak Pleven £219k £2 £2 320 Adequate Adequate Limited 53 57
Tryavna £110k £2 £2 220 Basic Poor Limited 16 18
Vihar Slavyanovo £110k £2 £2 0 Poor Poor Limited 45 49
Yantra 1919 Gabrovo 0 Poor Basic Limited 14 15
Yantra Gabrovo £77k £2 £2 192 Below Average Below Average Limited 45 49
Yantra Polski Trambesh £5k 0 Poor Poor Limited 19 21