This page refers to an older game FM19. View Italian Serie D Grp. F in all games.

The Italian Serie D Grp. F is a league in Football Manager 2019. Serie D Grp. F can be found in Italy in FM 19.

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Italian Serie D Grp. F
Total Teams
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Manage in Italian Serie D Grp. F in Football Manager 2019

Are you looking to manage a team in Italian Serie D Grp. F in FM19? Why not try finding a random team to manage in Italian Serie D Grp. F and then share your career in our Careers Section.

Name Balance Budget Wage Avg Age Avg Att Training Newgens Yth Recruitment Rating Potential
Avezzano Calcio £84k £25k 21.5 0 Poor Poor Limited 53 55
Castelfidardo £7k 23 0 Poor Poor Limited 48 52
Città di Campobasso £56k 22.24 0 Poor Poor Limited 50 54
Forlì £223k £56k £6k 22.2 1,100 Below Average Below Average Limited 53 57
Francavilla Calcio 1927 £95k £10k 22 0 Poor Poor Limited 51 55
Isernia Football Club £89k £18k 21.82 0 Poor Poor Limited 47 50
Jesina Calcio £89k £16k 21.04 500 Below Average Basic Limited 50 55
Matelica Calcio £72k £11k 22.36 0 Poor Poor Limited 52 56
Montegiorgio Calcio £20k 22.03 400 Below Average Poor Limited 49 54
Olympia Agnonese £74k £13k £1k 21.38 1,000 Average Poor Limited 49 54
Pineto Calcio £72k £9k 23.79 0 Poor Poor Limited 53 57
Real Giulianova £6k 21.76 0 Poor Poor Limited 47 50
Recanatese £76k £14k 22.03 400 Basic Poor Limited 51 54
Romagna Centro Cesena £1m £167k £3k 25.07 12,339 Great Good Limited 58 63
Sammaurese £8k 21.52 0 Poor Basic Limited 50 53
San Nicolò Notaresco Calcio £33k 20.3 200 Adequate Poor Limited 49 52
Sangiustese £16k 20.61 400 Basic Poor Limited 51 56
Santarcangelo £557k £89k 19.29 620 Basic Below Average Limited 53 57
Savignanese (FC) £76k 21.9 0 Poor Poor Limited 49 53
Vastese Calcio 1902 £87k £9k 20.72 0 Poor Poor Limited 52 56