This page refers to an older game FM20. View Tunisia in all games.

Tunisia Newgen Rating

Below Average

Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Tunisia will be Below Average

Tunisia is a nation found Africa in Football Manager 2020. Tunisia is also known as Les Aigles de Carthage in FM2020. People from Tunisia are known as "Tunisian" in FM 2020.

This page describes Tunisia in FM20 if you are looking for a FM20 Transfer Update? Check out our official sortitoutsi Football Manager Transfer Update to get an updated Football Manager 2020 database with all the latest squads, updated transfers and promotions and relegations.

Name Total Teams Avg Budget Avg Age Avg Training Avg Youth Avg Academy Avg Rep Avg Att Avg Rating Avg Potential
Tunisian League 1 14 £353k 9.62 8.85 7.38 75 11750 57.74 61.44
Tunisian League 2 - Group A 12 £14k 5.27 4.82 0 45 3618 26.7 28.21
Tunisian League 2 - Group B 12 £46k 5.73 4.82 0.64 49 4345 31.87 33.1
Tunisian League 3 29 £1k 3.56 3.64 0.2 35 1654 6.76 6.99
Tunisian Lower Division 39 £0 2.86 2.77 0.27 27 1062 0.76 0.8
Name Balance Budget Wage Avg Age Avg Att Training Newgens Yth Recruitment Rating Potential
ES Sahel £2m £0 £0 20,000 Great Great Limited 67 70
ES Tunis £1m £0 £0 30,000 Excellent Great Limited 67 70
Club Africain £546k £0 £0 35,000 Great Good Limited 67 71
CS Sfax £512k £0 £0 16,000 Great Good Limited 65 69
US Monastir £107k £0 £0 7,000 Good Adequate Limited 63 66
EGS Gafsa £91k £0 £0 6,000 Below Average Poor Limited 62 63
Ben Guerdane £0 £0 £0 5,000 Basic Poor Limited 62 66
AS Marsa £270k £0 £0 5,000 Average Adequate Limited 61 65
Stade Tunisien £290k £0 £0 5,000 Average Adequate Limited 61 66
Kasserine £0 £0 £0 5,000 Below Average Poor Limited 61 62
JS Kairouan £99k £0 £0 4,000 Below Average Poor Limited 61 64
CA Bizerte £587k £0 £0 10,000 Good Good Limited 61 67
ES Métlaoui £0 £0 £0 2,000 Poor Poor Limited 61 64
O. Béja £79k £0 £0 7,000 Adequate Poor Limited 60 62
ES Hammam-Sousse £91k £0 £0 4,500 Basic Poor Limited 60 61
Stade Gabésien £100k £0 £0 12,000 Adequate Poor Limited 59 63
AS Gabès £0 £0 £0 8,000 Below Average Poor Limited 59 62
CS Chebba £0 £0 £0 0 Basic Basic Limited 58 62
CS Hammam-Lif £133k £0 £0 5,000 Below Average Basic Limited 57 61
US Tataouine £0 £0 £0 2,000 Poor Poor Limited 53 57
ES Zarzis £89k £0 £0 5,000 Below Average Basic Limited 53 58
CO Médenine £0 £0 £0 5,000 Below Average Poor Limited 48 52
EO Sidi Bouzid £0 £0 £0 3,500 Basic Poor Limited 43 45
Grombalia Sport £0 £0 £0 3,000 Basic Poor Limited 39 40
Jendouba Sport £0 £0 £0 6,000 Below Average Poor Limited 32 34
ES Béni Khalled £0 £0 £0 4,000 Basic Poor Limited 27 30
SS Sfax £0 £0 £0 500 Poor Poor Limited 22 23
Sfax Railways £0 £0 £0 1,000 Basic Poor Limited 21 22
FC Hammamet £0 £0 £0 500 Basic Poor Limited 18 18
O. Kef £43k £0 £0 8,000 Below Average Poor Limited 16 16