This page refers to an older game FM21. View Burkinabé D1 in all games.
The Burkinabé D1 is a league in Football Manager 2021. Burkinabé D1 can be found in Burkina Faso in FM 21.
This page describes Burkinabé D1 in FM21 if you are looking for a Data Update that updates the FM21 Database with updated squads, latest transfers and promotions and relegations then download the FM21 Database Update instead.
- Name
- Burkinabé D1
- Nation
- Burkina Faso
- Total Teams
- 18
- Reputation
- 48
- Avg Balance
- £116k
- Avg Age
- 23.35
- Avg Training
- 4.67
- Avg Youth Rating
- 5.35
- Avg Academy
- 8.67
- Avg Rep
- 48
- Avg Attendance
- 6000
- Avg Rating
- 59.74
- Avg Potential
- 63.82
Manage in Burkinabé D1 in Football Manager 2021
Are you looking to manage a team in Burkinabé D1 in FM21? Why not try finding a random team to manage in Burkinabé D1 and then share your career in our Careers Section.
Name | Balance | Budget | Wage | Avg Age | Avg Att | Training | Newgens | Yth Recruitment | Rating | Potential | |
AS Employés et Commerçants de Koudougou | £77k | £0 | £0 | 24.35 | 2,000 | Poor | Poor | Limited | 59 | 63 | |
AS Fonctionnaires de Bobo-Dioulasso | £168k | £0 | £0 | 23.64 | 10,000 | Below Average | Basic | Limited | 59 | 63 | |
AS Léopards de St. Camille | £54k | £0 | £0 | 22.1 | 0 | Poor | Poor | Limited | 57 | 61 | |
Association Sportive de la SONABEL | £63k | £0 | £0 | 23.16 | 2,000 | Poor | Poor | Limited | 60 | 64 | |
Association Sportive des Douanes (BFA) | £171k | £0 | £0 | 24.3 | 0 | Poor | Poor | Limited | 63 | 67 | |
Association Sportive du Faso-Yennenga | £124k | £0 | £0 | 23.35 | 8,000 | Basic | Poor | Limited | 61 | 64 | |
Association Sportive Police (BFA) | £54k | £0 | £0 | 26 | 0 | Poor | Poor | Limited | 58 | 60 | |
Centre de Formation de Rahimo FC | £213k | £0 | £0 | 22.35 | 0 | Average | Average | Limited | 62 | 68 | |
Étoile Filante de Ouagadougou | £126k | £0 | £0 | 24.38 | 10,000 | Basic | Poor | Limited | 61 | 64 | |
Kassoum Ouédraogo Zico Académie de Football | £89k | £0 | £0 | 21.4 | 0 | Adequate | Adequate | Limited | 59 | 64 | |
Majestic Sporting Club | £78k | £0 | £0 | 22.06 | 0 | Poor | Poor | Limited | 58 | 64 | |
Racing Club Bobo-Dioulasso | £142k | £0 | £0 | 23.24 | 10,000 | Below Average | Basic | Limited | 61 | 66 | |
Rail Club du Kadiogo | £126k | £0 | £0 | 25.35 | 5,000 | Below Average | Poor | Limited | 59 | 62 | |
Royal Football Club (BFA) | £53k | £0 | £0 | 21.79 | 0 | Poor | Poor | Limited | 58 | 63 | |
Salimata et Tasséré FC | £260k | £0 | £0 | 23 | 5,000 | Adequate | Adequate | Limited | 63 | 67 | |
Union Sportive de Ouagadougou | £66k | £0 | £0 | 22.38 | 5,000 | Poor | Poor | Limited | 59 | 63 | |
Union Sportive des Forces Armées | £171k | £0 | £0 | 23.56 | 8,000 | Basic | Poor | Limited | 61 | 64 | |
Vitesse Football Club | £53k | £0 | £0 | 23.9 | 1,000 | Poor | Poor | Limited | 58 | 62 |