This page refers to an older game FM21. View Újpest Football Club in all games.

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Újpest Football Club are a team in Football Manager 2021. Újpest play in the Hungarian Division I in Hungary in FM 21. Újpest Football Club are a playable team in FM2021. Újpest play at a stadium called "Szusza Ferenc Stadion" in Football Manager 21.

Újpest Football Club
Hungarian Division I
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Youth Facilities
Below Average
Youth Academy
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

Újpest Football Club Newgen Rating

Below Average

Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Újpest Football Club will be Below Average

Újpest Football Club Transfers

Looking for players to buy for Újpest Football Club in Football Manager 2021?

This is a guide to managing Újpest Football Club in FM21. If you want to play Football Manager 2021 with an updated Újpest Football Club squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM21 Update which updates the Football Manager 2021 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2021 Data Update you can download.

Újpest Football Club Players in FM21

All Újpest Football Club Players in Football Manager 2021
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Krisztián Simon 29 M/AM (RL) £2k £499k £549k
Kire Ristevski 29 D (C) £1k £231k £254k 30-06-2021
Mauro Cerqueira 27 D/WB (L) £1k £195k £428k
Nemanja Antonov 25 D/WB (L) £1k £349k £768k
Zoltán Stieber 31 M (RL), AM (RLC) £1k £238k £300m
Giorgi Beridze 23 WB/M/AM (L), ST (C) £2k £365k £1m
Yohan Croizet 28 M/AM (RLC) £1k £411k £904k
Miroslav Bjeloš 29 D (C), M (LC), AM (C) £1k £199k £428k 30-06-2023
Vincent Onovo 24 DM, M (C) £1k £227k £250k 30-06-2021
Branko Pauljević 31 D/WB/AM (R) £1k £105k £105k 30-06-2021
Jovan Baošić 25 D (C) £893 £164k £329k
Junior Tallo (Gadji Tallo) 27 ST (C) £1k £274k £538k
Nikola Mitrović 33 DM, M (C) £1k £53k £55k 30-06-2021
Giorgos Koutroubis 29 D (C), DM £893 £164k £329k
Antonio Perosevic 28 AM (RL), ST (C) £838 £130k £143k 30-06-2021
Dávid Banai 26 GK £783 £92k £51k 30-06-2021
Patrik Bacsa 28 AM (RL), ST (C) £675 £145k £85k
Péter Szakály 33 M/AM (RLC) £621 £23k £13k 30-06-2021
Filip Pajović 26 GK £621 £77k £42k 30-06-2021
András Stieber 28 M/AM (LC), ST (C) £402 £69k £74k
Lirim Kastrati 21 D (RC) £675 £98k £223k 30-06-2021
Áron Csongvai 19 M (C) £621 £128k £135k 30-06-2023
Zsolt Máté 22 D (C) £589 £115k £222k 30-06-2023
Rossy Lubaki 22 ST (C) £309 £34k £119k 30-06-2021
Simeon Ajanah-Chinedu 19 D (C) £309 £41k £149k
Victor Kantabadouno 20 AM (RL), ST (C) £100 £4k £14k
Mátyás Katona 20 M (L), AM (RLC) £231 £36k £172k 30-06-2023
Mateja Milašinović 18 M (C) £115 £19k £38k 30-06-2024
Balázs Hajnal 21 D (LC) £115 £13k £155k 30-06-2021
Zsolt Nagy 18 AM (C), ST (C) £55 £14k £39k 30-06-2022
Balázs Varga 16 M (C) £55 £9k £154k 30-06-2022
Árpád Németh 20 ST (C) £161 £13k £13k 30-06-2021
Péter Hajdi 16 DM, M (C) £55 £13k £75k 30-06-2022
Attila Gézárt 19 M (C) £133 £9k £15k 30-06-2021
Ognjen Radošević 16 AM (C), ST (C) £55 £5k £53k 30-06-2022
Levente Laczik 17 AM (RL), ST (C) £55 £9k £22k 30-06-2022
Áron Szűcs 17 AM (L), ST (C) £55 £5k £27k 30-06-2022
Dániel Büki 15 ST (C) £55 £4k £85k 30-06-2023
Krisztián Tóth 18 D (C) £55 £2k £3k 30-06-2021

Újpest Football Club Loaned Out Players in FM21

Players out on loan from Újpest Football Club in Football Manager 2021
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Kristóf Szűcs 23 D/M (R) £231 £23k £130k 30-06-2021
Marko Filipović 20 ST (C) £100 £10k £113k 30-06-2021

Újpest Football Club Staff in FM21

Újpest Football Club Staff in Football Manager 2021

Újpest Football Club Peaked Players in FM21

The following players have peaked and will not develop any further in Football Manager 2021
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Miroslav Bjeloš 29 D (C), M (LC), AM (C) £1k £199k £428k 30-06-2023