This page refers to an older game FM21. View Hamilton Academical in all games.

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Hamilton Academical are a team in Football Manager 2021. Hamilton play in the Scottish Premiership in Scotland in FM 21. Hamilton Academical are a playable team in FM2021. Hamilton play at a stadium called "Fountain of Youth Stadium" in Football Manager 21.

Hamilton Academical
Scottish Premiership
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Youth Facilities
Youth Academy
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

Hamilton Academical Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Hamilton Academical will be Great

Hamilton Academical Transfers

Looking for players to buy for Hamilton Academical in Football Manager 2021?

This is a guide to managing Hamilton Academical in FM21. If you want to play Football Manager 2021 with an updated Hamilton Academical squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM21 Update which updates the Football Manager 2021 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2021 Data Update you can download.

Hamilton Academical Players in FM21

All Hamilton Academical Players in Football Manager 2021
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
David Templeton 31 M (RL), AM (RLC), ST (C) £800 £728k £300m 31-05-2022
Brian Easton 32 D (LC) £800 £103k £91k 31-05-2021
Nathan Thomas 26 M/AM (RL) £600 £101k £177k 31-05-2021
Hakeem Odoffin 22 D (RC), WB (R) £800 £70k £922k 31-05-2021
Ross Callachan 26 M (C) £650 £83k £124k 31-05-2022
Charlie Trafford 28 DM, M (C) £700 £67k £101k 31-05-2021
Scott McMann 24 D (LC), WB (L) £550 £88k £71k 31-05-2022
Aaron Martin 30 D (C) £600 £42k £66k 31-05-2021
Lee Hodson 28 D (RL), DM £2k £68k £30k 30-06-2021
Scott Martin 23 DM, M (C) £750 £91k £66k 31-05-2023
David Moyo 25 AM (L), ST (C) £600 £80k £57k 31-05-2023
Marios Ogkmpoe 25 ST (C) £900 £54k £39k 31-05-2021
Shaun Want 23 D (RC) £650 £72k £52k 31-05-2023
Bruce Anderson 21 ST (C) £750 £54k £359k 31-05-2021
Lewis Smith 20 M/AM (RL) £500 £80k £258k 31-05-2022
Ryan Fulton 24 GK £700 £24k £14k 31-05-2021
Jamie Hamilton 18 D (C) £500 £36k £2m 31-05-2022
Reegan Mimnaugh 18 M (C) £400 £20k £236k 31-05-2021
Andrew Winter 18 ST (C) £450 £21k £306k 31-05-2022
Callum Smith 20 AM (L), ST (C) £350 £18k £36k 31-05-2022
Ronan Hughes 21 DM, M (C) £400 £15k £127k 31-05-2022
Kyle Munro 18 D/WB/M/AM (L) £200 £7k £20k 31-05-2021
Ben Stirling 21 D (RC), DM, M (C) £300 £13k £39k 31-05-2022
George Stanger 19 D (C), DM £250 £6k £59k 31-05-2021
Kyle Gourlay 21 GK £400 £5k £22k 31-05-2021
Fergus Owens 17 D (C) £30 £716 £10k 31-05-2022
Sean Slaven 19 ST (C) £100 £2k £2k 31-05-2021
Jack Garrad 17 ST (C) £30 £1k £4k 31-05-2021
Marley Redfern 17 M (R) £150 £1k £2k 31-05-2021
Lennon Pirrie 16 ST (C) £30 £400 £2k 31-05-2022

Hamilton Academical Loaned Out Players in FM21

Players out on loan from Hamilton Academical in Football Manager 2021
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Jamie Smith 18 GK £150 £408 £1k 31-05-2021
Daryl Meikle 19 M (C) £100 £724 £4k 31-05-2021
Liam Harris 17 ST (C) £150 £1k £2k 31-05-2021

Hamilton Academical Staff in FM21

Hamilton Academical Staff in Football Manager 2021
Name Age Job Wage Expires Rating
Brian Rice 57 Manager (First Team) £700 31-05-2021
Dougie Imrie 37 Manager (U18 Team) £500 31-05-2021
Brian Potter 44 GK Coach (First Team) £500 31-05-2021
Guillaume Beuzelin 41 Assistant Manager (First Team) £600 31-05-2021
Lee McCafferty 46 Chief Scout £250 31-05-2021
Keith Glendinning 32 Recruitment Analyst £250 31-05-2021
George Cairns 51 Head of Youth Development £250 31-05-2021
Brian Easton 32 Player/Coach (U18 Team) £800 31-05-2021
Calum MacAskill 29 Head Physio £200 31-05-2022
Kevin Symon 29 Head of Sports Science £125 31-05-2021
Dominic Stewart 31 Performance Analyst (First Team) £150 31-05-2021
Sunnah Shah 29 Sports Scientist (First Team) £200 31-05-2021
David Templeton 31 Player £800 31-05-2022
Robert Crimin 26 Physio (First Team) £150 31-05-2021
Les Gray 58 Managing Director
Ronnie MacDonald 61 Director
Allan Maitland 60 Chairman

Hamilton Academical Peaked Players in FM21

The following players have peaked and will not develop any further in Football Manager 2021
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
David Moyo 25 AM (L), ST (C) £600 £80k £57k 31-05-2023