This page refers to an older game FM24. View Austrian Regional League East in all games.
The Austrian Regional League East is a league in Football Manager 2024. Regional League East can be found in Austria in FM 24.
This page describes Austrian Regional League East in FM24 if you are looking for a Data Update that updates the FM24 Database with updated squads, latest transfers and promotions and relegations then download the FM24 Database Update instead.
- Name
- Austrian Regional League East
- Nation
- Austria
- Total Teams
- 16
- Reputation
- 74
- Avg Balance
- £20k
- Avg Age
- 22.57
- Avg Training
- 12.06
- Avg Youth Rating
- 11.43
- Avg Academy
- 8.5
- Avg Rep
- 72
- Avg Attendance
- 382
- Avg Rating
- 59.14
- Avg Potential
- 63.68
Manage in Austrian Regional League East in Football Manager 2024
Are you looking to manage a team in Austrian Regional League East in FM24? Why not try finding a random team to manage in Austrian Regional League East and then share your career in our Careers Section.
Name | Balance | Budget | Wage | Avg Age | Avg Att | Training | Newgens | Yth Recruitment | Rating | Potential | |
ASV Draßburg | £51k | £0 | £0 | 21.71 | 298 | Good | Average | Adequate | 59 | 64 | |
Favoritner AC | £0 | £0 | £0 | 23.75 | 200 | Average | Adequate | Fairly Basic | 59 | 63 | |
FC Mauerwerk | £65k | £0 | £0 | 23.33 | 158 | Good | Average | Adequate | 59 | 63 | |
FCM Traiskirchen | £43k | £0 | £0 | 20.46 | 206 | Good | Average | Adequate | 57 | 62 | |
Kremser SC | £-17k | £0 | £0 | 24.73 | 657 | Average | Adequate | Fairly Basic | 60 | 65 | |
Marchfeld Donauauen | £78k | £0 | £0 | 23.13 | 290 | Good | Average | Adequate | 59 | 65 | |
SC Neusiedl | £68k | £0 | £0 | 22.95 | 449 | Good | Average | Adequate | 58 | 62 | |
SG Ardagger/Viehdorf | £0 | £0 | £0 | 23.08 | 200 | Average | Adequate | Fairly Basic | 55 | 58 | |
SK Rapid II | £0 | £0 | £0 | 18.83 | 334 | Excellent | Poor | Limited | 62 | 70 | |
SR Donaufeld | £0 | £0 | £0 | 22.27 | 281 | Average | Adequate | Fairly Basic | 59 | 65 | |
SV Leobendorf | £0 | £0 | £0 | 24.85 | 302 | Good | Average | Adequate | 59 | 62 | |
SV Oberwart | £-2k | £0 | £0 | 24.85 | 0 | Adequate | Below Average | Fairly Basic | 61 | 64 | |
TWL Elektra | £-1k | £0 | £0 | 21.52 | 159 | Good | Average | Adequate | 58 | 62 | |
Wiener Sport-Club | £-2k | £0 | £0 | 23.16 | 1,488 | Good | Average | Adequate | 59 | 63 | |
Wiener Viktoria | £41k | £0 | £0 | 24.4 | 266 | Good | Average | Adequate | 60 | 63 | |
Young Violets | £0 | £0 | £0 | 18.17 | 445 | Excellent | Poor | Limited | 62 | 68 |