Bernd Albers - Submissions - Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack
Wrong image. This is Dr. med. Dirk Tintrup. Mine is the image of Bernd Albers, I know it's not the best but the only one to find until yet.
I've marked the source image as pending again - if you notice any errors in the megapack or images uploaded to a wrong person's profile, be sure to tag @mons so he sees the comment and doesn't add the image by mistake.
fyi mons, Dirk Tintrup doesn't seem to be in the database, so that cutout is one for the no UID folder
Thank you for this advise, I'll tag mons if there are any issues with any image I “disagree".
I've marked the source image as pending again - if you notice any errors in the megapack or images uploaded to a wrong person's profile, be sure to tag @mons so he sees the comment and doesn't add the image by mistake.
fyi mons, Dirk Tintrup doesn't seem to be in the database, so that cutout is one for the no UID folder
Gotcha 👍
Wrong image. This is Dr. med. Dirk Tintrup. Mine is the image of Bernd Albers, I know it's not the best but the only one to find until yet.