@mons When I tried to submit the cut below, it redirects me to a page which says “Too many requests: You already have 10 requests, and you may not have more than 10”. I never experienced this before, is this normal or just a bug or something like that?
@mons When I tried to submit the cut below, it redirects me to a page which says “Too many requests: You already have 10 requests, and you may not have more than 10”. I never experienced this before, is this normal or just a bug or something like that?
No, it's just that you have 10 individual images pending so you can't upload again until a pending image has its category changed to approved or rejected.
@mons When I tried to submit the cut below, it redirects me to a page which says “Too many requests: You already have 10 requests, and you may not have more than 10”. I never experienced this before, is this normal or just a bug or something like that?