Jackson Bandiera - Submissions - Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack
15 Sep 2020 01:29:15
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@spix22 mate,please visit this thread before making any more cuts.From sources like this cuts must be much better,you've left too much body visiable,and cuts should be much closer to the chin.
@mons this is spix22 cut you can take it before we got better one.
@mons this is spix22 cut you can take it before we got better one.
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Pending missing images mixpack 7 [23 requests] [Old Request]
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@spix22 we are really appreciate your work on doing large number of requests,but please mate visit this thread.Your cuts have rough egdes,snow,bad shirt or no shirt cutted.From some HQ sources we've got really poor cuts.This is just one of the many examples.
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Blacktown City FC [Old Request Response]
@Dazza07 mate please in the future post sources that are usefull,'cuz all these are way too small to get any kind of quality cut.