Joe Gomez - Submissions - Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack



13 years ago
3 days ago
10 years ago
3 days ago
@JasonLFC10 Not an improvement, just a good alternative.
18 years ago
3 minutes ago
@JasonLFC10, this is a great source and it would be lovely if all sources were as good.

But I'm doubtful as to whether it's actually an improvement. Look at the existing megapack and tell me that this is better:

At most, it's equally good - and it's not like the existing megapack is very old either.

Sources like this are exactly why point 5 was added to the guidelines for improvement requests: Ask yourself, is it really an improvement to the existing MP image? If it's the same face and hairstyle with just this season's new kit, it's probably just an alternative.

In the past, we would have multiple different requests similar to this, usually of established players with an image a couple of months or so more recent than the MP image. With the limited amount of cutters that we have and the amount of requests that we end up getting, the decision was taken not to consider these kind of requests as improvements. Of course, if a cutter decides to take them on, I will compare them with the existing MP cut and accept/reject them accordingly depending on cut quality. Also, being slightly selfish, I already spend enough time comparing and cleaning images before adding them to the megapack, and I'd rather that I didn't spend more time on images like this which are not 'improvements'.

Sorry for the length, I didn't just want to fob you off with 'existing MP cut is good enough', but to give you a reason why it is not being considered as such...
13 years ago
3 days ago
@mons Appreciate your reply mate and I agree your comments are all fair :-)

I will try to consider this more in future :-) or at very least cut images like this myself it I want them

Thank you as always for your work! :-)