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#794617 Filip Kostić
Benedek Szabó
Hey @Krebwy , almost every source says that the transfer includes a buy clause (e. g. Fabrizio Romano). According to sources like https://football-italia.net/done-deal-juventus-kostic-agreement-fenerbahce/ , this is approximately 5-6 million euros. Can you add that please?
#793972 Bekim Kapić
Benedek Szabó
@Footygamer hey, could you please disable all of my changes to this person? My edit was wrong, but it was still accepted.
#793921 Data Update Home Thread
Benedek Szabó
Hey guys, could any moderators have a look at Bekim Kapić? I edited it wrongly (different sources said different things) and have written a reply to the edit but it was ignored. Please restore the original setting where he is the assistant manager of Szeged-GA!
#793873 Bekim Kapić
Benedek Szabó
Hey, this change shouldn't be approved, I found another, more official source (https://www.szeged-grosicsakademia.hu/csapatok/1/felnott) which says that he still is with the club and I cannot undo my submission.