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#442363 Isn't there a Football Manager for Dummies?
Daniel Leach
I appreciate your feedback, my friend. I'm serious about that scenario thing, though. If they really want to see this game take off - bigger than it is - then I think scenarios are the key. It would open up the game for people that ain't necessarily interested in "foot-soccer-ball" (to quote quill18) but still have a peeking interest in sports' management.
#440503 Isn't there a Football Manager for Dummies?
Daniel Leach
Anyway, the game captivated me and I bought FM18. However, I was in no way prepared for how involved it is - and how quickly, too. I mean, JEEEEEE-SUS CHRIST, there ain't no easy mode or anything. Is there like a Football Manager Tutorial mode?
I mean, one of my favorite games in AoE2 and - let me tell ya - the William Wallace scenario...THAT's how you introduce new people into a series. I get the impression that this game is - totally - not friendly to noobs. Or, maybe I need to look someplace...**Sigh** I don't know. A tutorial mode or a couple of easy scenarios to get your feet wet would be nice.
In a perfect world, I'd like to try and turn around Peterhead (giggity!) in a Ladbrokes League. I like watching those worst-to-first videos on YouTube and I figured I'd try this myself. However, many of these videos skip over the minutiae. And - hey! - I understand...you gotta make this entertaining somehow. Is there like a book or something that I could read with step-by-step instructions on what to do. Like "Day 1", do this stuff with Peterhead. Day 2, fire that guy. Day 3, try to hire that guy. I tend to read things like a recipe from a cookbook with clear, no-nonsense instructions for the everyday dude. Is there something like that for this game?
Like I said, FM does not make it easy for new folks to get involved. Don't get me wrong, I like games that are difficult to master but they got to ease the learning curve. The best sports game that accomplished that - to this day - is NBA Jam!