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#764035 Sas Skin 24
I saw the same issue with my installation. A complete live match was O.K but if during the match the instant result button was clicked the game was frozen, i.e. the screen changed, the “processing button” in the upper right corner was shown but the game did not continue. I finally had to abort by using task manager.
I tested this behaviour with no additional editor files, but no change. I tested with different skin, it worked O.K.
But… i have the impression that it only happens during the first match of a new save. Try to watch the first match until the end and for the second match… start it and then use instant result. For me it worked. Anyway, can't say what the root cause was.
Regards, Nobby
#763634 Sas Skin 24
Best Skin i ever used. Nevertheless i have some issues and maybe someone could help me.
Away from what was presented in the related Video, i don not see the bars in the transfer chronicals. Skin version is the actual SAS24.Nov.zip.
As a second topic, the POS-STATS are not visible in the player profile. Have played 9 matches so far so they should be there, or ?
Thanks for your help, Nobby
#760812 FM 2024 FLUT skin dark - 4.0