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#508332 Staff > all query
You absolute hero, thank you
#508319 Staff > all query
#506470 Staff > all query
If you go in to your staffing list and then select all to view everyone, then sort by for example, contract expiry as I did, it seems impossible to get it back to how it was before. Take a look at the screenshot below - essentially I'm after the chairman/board at the top again, then all first team, b team then under 19s as it is sorted by default. Unfortunately if I select by team as the sort, then the chairmen, etc all go in to a completely random order.
Just enquiring to see if anyone knew how to rectify this? Had it on FM19 as well but didn't think too much of it, however now it's just annoying!
#489452 (FM16+)Found an error in our database[Players+Staff Changes Only]
Can confirm, on the newest update from today that Brighton are still unmanaged, and the Albanian club issue in the CL persists.(Using 19.3.5)
https://sortitoutsi.net/uploads/mirrored_images/cnRNr3zMPR9LwSPL5b6d42Ik1cf5QR6she7wjrZS.jpg - Brighton Profile Screen
https://sortitoutsi.net/uploads/mirrored_images/KmokpytLirm7Xnx6eTiUhSDNOzNYjn8xCRUdidka.jpg - Job Centre
https://sortitoutsi.net/uploads/mirrored_images/Rd5TRbfq1Gl2DVspmfYSN71VeM3oaCsrTg6Hvyp7.jpg - Albanian club in group stage
https://sortitoutsi.net/uploads/mirrored_images/OvTEEU3cOk6vwxYvjQvbJwLX1uc0jSsEOn14o2yw.jpg - CL Draw with one team receiving a bye - this happens from Round 2
The Albanain club are not even present in the seedings prior to the draw being made, so no idea how they are getting in there - has potentially someone been removed from the list of CL qualificants?
Hope this helps.
#489006 (FM16+)Found an error in our database[Players+Staff Changes Only]
Sorry I missed that - what about the current error ref Potter though?
#488906 (FM16+)Found an error in our database[Players+Staff Changes Only]
Any update with relation to this? seems to be missing all added players too and is still the same in the recent update.
#488703 (FM16+)Found an error in our database[Players+Staff Changes Only]
Delete your previous files. It's explained in the post above yours
#488519 (FM16+)Found an error in our database[Players+Staff Changes Only]
Don't know if this is also the same for others that have been added
#175682 FMonline Forum FM14 Transfers Update DB