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#755416 FM 2024 FLUT skin dark - 4.0
You need to change zoom in game interface settings. probably 200% would be enough. And for me this is the biggest downside of this skin. Because I am playing on 32 monitor 4K. To get everything in proper size, without blank/black places, for example on stadion presentation before the game, i need to zoom to 200%. But then everything is ridiculously big, and a little bit funny. I would like to have possibilities to play in 150% zoom, even less, but then everything is mixed, nothing on proper places.
#755395 FM 2024 FLUT skin dark - 4.0
Yes - confirm that. No recommendation info in scout panel.
#754681 FM2023 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v5.0 for FM23.5 [released on 09/05/2023]
I am playing my fm 23 save, with last Real Name fix. Everything works well.
#709773 Spain - La Liga 22-23
everything works fine 🙂
#709312 FM 2023 FLUT skin dark - Version 8.0
@flut maybe I have done something wrong, but when I removed mentioned files, I do not have any scoreboards. I would like to have default scoreboard for licensed tournament, like champions league etc., and your scoreboard in other, non licensed leagues/tournaments.
#708927 FM 2023 FLUT skin dark - Version 8.0
Thanks for the skin - as always brilliant. But I have a question - how to set default scoreboard in UEFA champions league/Europe league/conference league and super cup. Because those cups are fully licensed I don’t need modded scoreboard 🙂 thanks in advance .
#684921 Poland - Nice 1 Liga 3D'2017/18
But i am not talking about this file. I'm just asking if somebody can prepare all 3d kits - 1 fortuna league in Poland 21&22. Not update this file. or, if not, only widzew lodz kits. I have just done it by myself, with FM Kit Creator, but it still not the best one.
#684891 Poland - Nice 1 Liga 3D'2017/18
Widzew lodz kits please or all 1 fortuna league in Poland.
#684466 [FM22.4] Polish Leagues (8lvl) w/ U19 Leagues (5lvl)
Tak - widzę. Widocznie trochę źle zrozumiałem intencje autora. Doceniam ogrom włożonej pracy przez twórcę, ale jednak to taki trochę fantasy dodatek - można grać jako kolejna, niezobowiązująca kariera, ale raczej nie jako główna, bo nierealistyczna, a szkoda.
#684453 [FM22.4] Polish Leagues (8lvl) w/ U19 Leagues (5lvl)
Czytał czytał - spokojnie 🙂 może przeoczyłem, ale gdzie dokładnie wskazane jest, że w ekstraklasie jest historyczny puchar ? Wydawało mi się, że puchary są dodane do niższych lig, ale nie wrzucane historyczne, które dawno nie istnieją.
#684445 [FM22.4] Polish Leagues (8lvl) w/ U19 Leagues (5lvl)
Coś jest nie tak - wgrałem cały patch i w ekstraklasie mam puchar esktraklasy, który się skończył chyba w 2008 roku.
#486073 FC'12 Style 2D Kits 23/25 Seasons for Flutskin - Titlebar/Player Overview Pack v.69