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#99606 Who owns or has access to decent film equipment?
Phoenix Arrow
I'm also very unlikely to ever go to a Dog and Duck and even less likely to spend money on fat girls. Commitment to the project and our image is what that is.
#98293 The Night Thread Mk. IX
Phoenix Arrow
#97768 The Night Thread Mk. IX
Phoenix Arrow
Maybe but that's coffee not fizzy drinks.
#97756 The Night Thread Mk. IX
Phoenix Arrow
#97452 The loss of your freedom
Phoenix Arrow
#96467 WDYTO vX
Phoenix Arrow
u wot?
#96150 WDYTO vX
Phoenix Arrow
#95576 The Night Thread Mk. IX
Phoenix Arrow
Here's some homework for you.
Find anything about that story which isn't either a tweet from someone with no connection to anyone who died or a "news" story reporting on said tweets. If I was a cynic, I'd say that Channel 4 planted rumours to give their documentary more buzz. But maybe people are just stupid.
#94354 The Night Thread Mk. IX
Phoenix Arrow
#94344 The Night Thread Mk. IX
Phoenix Arrow
She hated herself, she wanted to kill herself but she wanted to justify it. So she made this ask.fm page so the blame wouldn't be her. In the eyes of the people she'd leave behind, she'd be killing herself because of some bullies rather than showing herself to be weak or unwell in anyway. Because 14 year old girl logic.
Also, Fanny. Were you in Winchester today? I swear I saw someone who was the spit of you.
#93530 The NHL Thread
Phoenix Arrow
Bobby Orr was better though. Obviously.
#93526 The Night Thread Mk. IX
Phoenix Arrow
So, be careful about what you download and make sure you have different passwords for different things.
That website is good though. cunt is in the top 430 most used passwords. I'm trying to find the top 10.
#93111 Capital One Cup 2013/14
Phoenix Arrow
New manager, same problem. 6 billion shots on target, 1 goal. We played a weakened team (rested Ulloa, CMS, Kuszczak, Upson, Bridcutt) and some players like Spanish Dave and Agustien didn't look match ready yet, but the team we had out there should've won no problem. We basically controlled the game for 70 minutes, Calde got sent off and everyone lost their shit. Hardly suprising, we always struggle against teams in lower leagues.
Annoying thing is this reflects poorly on Oscar. In the first two games, he hasn't done anything wrong tactically, but some of our players, especially what you'd call squad players, either have awful confidence or haven't lived up to their promise.
I don't really care though. It's the League Cup. I'd take a final but I'll take less games in the autumn over getting to the 4th round or something pointless. Just need to hope Oscar throws the book at certain parties.
#92268 The General Games Discussion Thread.
Phoenix Arrow
#91568 The General Games Discussion Thread.
Phoenix Arrow
#91559 The General Games Discussion Thread.
Phoenix Arrow
Any recommendations? Not played any console games pretty much.
#90822 The Night Thread Mk. IX
Phoenix Arrow
Basically, everything is moving away from everything else. Due to how acceleration works and how there's obviously no friction in space, the parts that started moving fastest at the start will always continue to move after than the other parts. As such, every part of the universe is moving away from every other part of the universe. So, wherever you look in space, you get redshift.
But the thing is there is no centre of the universe. I mean, what is it relative to? What's the universe expanding into? How can you tell which part is moving away from which part if everything is moving away at the same rate no matter where you look? All they can go by is deep space photography.
#90813 Susie Ultimate Team Tournament (Xbox 360)
Phoenix Arrow
Throw a message my way on here.
#90106 The General Games Discussion Thread.
Phoenix Arrow
Have you played Farenheit? Abandon story telling; make shit up.
#90095 The General Games Discussion Thread.
Phoenix Arrow
I work minimum wage doing something which, while isn't awful, it's not particularly fun because I know if I apply myself, I could be on 3, 4, 5 times as much money doing something I really like. You have a very naive view of the world.
#89918 What Was The Last Film You Saw?
Phoenix Arrow
Didn't care for Pans Labrynth tbh, but I would give all of my everything for him to make At the Mountains of Madness. It would be the only kickstarter I'd ever give enough of a fuck about to sign up and donate to.
#89887 The Night Thread Mk. IX
Phoenix Arrow
Presumably the same way the block it at schools. At the council I work at, we use a system called Blue Shield. I believe it's maintained by Virgin Media. What it basically does it catagorises every website and block it based on what's been set up by whoevers calling the shots. For instance, schools normally have adult content, proxys and... LGBT. I don't know why. A bunch of other stuff too like weapons and whatever. I could provide a full list if I could be bothered to write it down at work but I can't and I shan't. Everything gets banned based on what we recommend to the schools or what the schools decide themselves if they opt into that service.
That's where it gets interesting.
I had a call from a school not too long ago asking to get a website catagorised as adult/mature. Porn basically. That website was tumblr. It was a tumblr page call publicdisplaysoferection. I completely creased myself on the phone when she read that out to me, I swear to god. A school teacher reading smut to me over the phone for 5 minutes. Some people pay for that shit.
Anyway, naturally they can't do that as it's a social media site, it just happens to have some porn on it in certain places. But they could block that one individual page once it had been reported. That's the issue here. People who are looking for porn aged 16+ (probably) go to big search enginey hub type places to find their porn. They do that on purpose, they seek it out. Noone's ever gone onto pornhub and thought OH FIDDLESTICKS I WAS LOOKING TO BUY A PIZZA BUT THAT PIZZA HAS A PENIS STICKING THROUGH IT, WHAT IS THIS DISGUSTING SERVICE. The perceived problem here is that kids are stumbling onto things by mistake. They're seeing some pictures on tumblr or they're looking for flash games and accidently end up on some obscure Polish porn site (another call I've had). They can't block that, they don't know it's there.
In the eyes of people who make decisions. LGBT = porn.
#89851 The General Games Discussion Thread.
Phoenix Arrow
Needs a better autosave feature or it should keep points you can teleport to after you die or something. Twice now I've been playing it, been enjoying myself and "immersed" or whatever the fuck and not thought to save so I die and lose 15 minutes of running. Then quit and do something else.
#89850 The Night Thread Mk. IX
Phoenix Arrow
I didn't watch internet porn, but by the age of 14, I was in a same sex relationship which lasted for years and years. What corroded my childhood? Oh right, yeah. Video games and punk music. Ok.
#89700 The Night Thread Mk. IX
Phoenix Arrow
So he's a cuntbucket and it's never going to happen. Good to know.
#89507 Susie Ultimate Team Tournament (Xbox 360)
Phoenix Arrow
My gamer thing is Soda Dreamer
#88954 Susie Ultimate Team Tournament (Xbox 360)
Phoenix Arrow
#88732 The Night Thread Mk. IX
Phoenix Arrow
#88474 Game of Thrones
Phoenix Arrow
#88254 Doping in sport
Phoenix Arrow