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#805076 Image finder thread - assistance in finding a source image
I'm looking for a guy that has a long blonde hair on his cut out. If I recall correctly he plays in one of the england lower leagues nad he looks young.
I have his face perfectly shaped in my mind but I don't remember who the player is lol
Edit: Nevermind, somehow I just fucking found in the whole cutout folder. The player is Joseph Mills
#732233 FM2023 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v5.0 for FM23.5 [released on 09/05/2023]
Where can I get the old files? Before the update.
#682609 Career Appearances Not Showing
Hey, have you got a solution yet? I'm with the same problem
#652060 Can't get Greek Superleague SS kits to work, please help me
Hey, can someone please help me? I downloaded the SS kit for Greek Superleague, but they are the only one that won't work. I downloaded the Winrar file and extracted on Kit folder inside graphics, but ingame they won't change. Even division 2 Greek worked, but not Superleague. All other Kits I downloaded work fine.
This is where it was extracted to
This is the folder itself
The config
In game, not working as you can see