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#627730 FM 2021 FLUT skin dark - Version 16.0
can't what you have on the right be put in the panel on the left? 🤔🤔
#627666 FM 2021 FLUT skin dark - Version 16.0
No problem.
To have the "skysport" logo instead of the one I installed, you just have to replace in the line of code corresponding to the TV Logo the number that is at the end (Skysport is the tvlogo2 ).
(<widget class="icon_button" id="inst" icon="icons/tv logos/tv logo5") in the following files :
- "match tittle bar" for the one on the top left during the match.
- in the "match league table panel cutscene" and "match caption panel small
-To change the ones for the team presentations , just copy the ones here Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\skins\fm2021flutskin_dark2560x1440\graphics\icons\custom\match\logos\Sky color and put them in place of the ones here: Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\skins\fm2021flutskin_dark2560x1440\graphics\custom\match\logos\ ( a step backwards).
Have a nice evening.
Edit : For your information, Flut has managed to put the circles you asked for. Congratulations to him. “The boss is always faster than the student..”
#627642 FM 2021 FLUT skin dark - Version 16.0
Hello to all.
As promised, here is the skin update for the 2560x1440 resolution and for right screen.
I've also added a skin that works for a 110% zoom (only the one in the game at 110%) for those who thought the writing was too small with its "alt" file of course.
And to make up for the mistake I made last night, I've attached a bonus. This is what I use, for my team that I manage, when I play.
It's a gift.
Good game.
PS : @Mag1lc2 your application is still being processed... Sorry it's taking me longer than expected...
#627515 Press Conference Backgrounds
What an update from day one. 😲😲👌👌
Congratulations on the hard work to make the game more beautiful every day. 👍👍👏👏
#627507 FM 2021 FLUT skin dark - Version 16.0
Don't panic.
This was for the update I edited for the resolution 2560x1440 last night to correct a small visual error, nothing more...
Indeed, when you receive a start of season report from an opposing team, the numbers on the jersey were not at their position.
I'll update the skin later today.
Concerning your request, it is taken into account. And if you are the only one to ask for these indicators, I will send you the file to apply as an "alt" file.
#627444 FM 2021 FLUT skin dark - Version 16.0
Greetings to all.
A big thank you to Mr. Old school who pointed out a small discrepancy in one of the panels.
To fix this problem, open "Tactics icon preview info panel14", look for the line where it says:
<widget id = "cKit" class = "kit_icon" scale_picture = "true" file = "generic / kit icon5" kit_zoom_level = "2" priority = "1" > and just replace 5 with 6
#627426 FM 2021 FLUT skin dark - Version 16.0
I had an idea.
It is in its final stages but I could have used some help....
In order to display the flag instead of the logo, what is the term to put in the line of code. I have searched, but unfortunately I did not find it... Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
#627390 FM 2021 FLUT skin dark - Version 16.0
Did it work? Can you play again?
If it's good, very very good news!!!
#627371 FM 2021 FLUT skin dark - Version 16.0
Find :
We will sometimes ask you to delete your cache/preference folders, which can cause problems. It will be recommended that you move these files to another location and into a "new" folder on your desktop. If this solves the problem, you can then send us folders to fix the original error.
Make sure the game is not open before following these instructions.
Windows 7:
- Click on "Start".
- Select "Computer".
- Then select the "Organize" drop-down menu
- Select "Folder and Search Options".
- Then select the "View" tab and make sure "Show hidden files, folders and drives" is checked
- Go to C:\Users[Your Windows Username]\AppDataLocalSports InteractiveFootball Manager 2021
- Move the Preferences and/or Cache folder to your desktop, so that they no longer appear in the FM21 folder
Windows 8.1 and Windows 10:
- Click on "File Explorer" in the toolbar (or click on "Desktop/Start", then type "File Explorer")
- Then click on "View" and make sure "Hidden Items" (above "Show/Hide") is checked
- Go to C:\Users[Your Windows Username]\AppDataLocalSports InteractiveFootball Manager 2021
- Move the Preferences and/or Cache folder to your desktop, so that they no longer appear in the FM21 folder
Note: this folder has no connection with your backups. After you delete these folders, others will be reset by default. The next time you run the game, don't forget to change any preferences you want (like autosave, sound settings or display).
#627368 FM 2021 FLUT skin dark - Version 16.0
Okay. You do it quite regularly. Very good. 👍👍
Then there is the procedure to clear the computer cache... It's a bit more complex... I've already done it once, following the story of the disappearing health icons, if you remember...
I'm looking again for how to do it and come back to you.
#627361 FM 2021 FLUT skin dark - Version 16.0
Okay. Those are the ones I thought. So, we'll start simple. Go to the "preferences" menu. At the very bottom left you have a "reset" button. Click on it and clear the cache.
Personally, in my settings, I don't use it. I just keep the option to reload the skin (normal, since I modify the skin graphically) 😉😉.
Let's hope it's just that... 🙏🙏
#627353 FM 2021 FLUT skin dark - Version 16.0
Ok no worries, I understand that it's hard to show something that doesn't show... but let's try anyway.
We won't leave you in this situation... 😉😉
The interactions that don't work are the ones, for example, when you pass on the little icon next to the player or on the heart icon?
If not, take a screenshot and normally you have tools (ruler or compact). Take the compact and make a circle where you have the problem. This will guide us a bit...
#627342 FM 2021 FLUT skin dark - Version 16.0
Greetings. Could you take a screenshot of the problem please ?
#627331 FM 2021 FLUT skin dark - Version 16.0
Ok. Thank's for the pictures.
Let's try to see where it can come from... Have you tried the same procedure with the original settings? ( I know the original skin is ugly). Do you have the same problem? If yes, it is not from the skin...
If not, try to set the visual settings of the game like this:
If you still have the same problem, finally try to re-download the skin for your resolution, delete the one you have and replace it with the new one and see what happens...
Unfortunately I can't help you more... Sorry
#627328 FM 2021 FLUT skin dark - Version 16.0
Greetings to all.
M. old_school :
Je ne comprends pas très bien votre question ... Désolé mon niveau d'anglais en est probablement la cause et avec le traducteur Google, oubliez ça, c'est pire !!! @D'après ce que j'ai compris (enfin ça je pense avoir compris), oui vous pouvez très bien avoir 2 logos différents sur les enseignes. Il suffit de trouver la ligne <widget class = "picture" file = "icons / tv logos / tv logo1" height = "16" auto_size = "horizontal" scale_picture = "true"> dans les codes des logos situés dans le panneaux mentionnés par Flut, et il vous suffit de modifier le dernier numéro pour qu'il corresponde aux logos que vous avez préparés pour votre peau ici: Documents \ Sports Interactive \ Football Manager 2021 \ skins \ fm2021flutskin_dark2560x1440 \ graphics \ icons \ tv logos.
Some logos are already in the "TV logos" and "alts" folders and if I'm not mistaken, you have one for the Bundesliga. Copy this one and put it in the previous channel. Then rename it, for example "Tv logo 6". Once you have done this you do the manipulation in the panel code line. Normally you should have your logo displayed during the game.
About the clock, I see what you are thinking. But here, Flut will have to look. Because it is integrated in the "tittlebar".
I saw that you will try to do it yourself. I wish you every success in your adventure... Because yes it is one... I was like you, 3 months ago when I started to modify the skin for the resolution I use... Making all the necessary adjustments, sometimes several times to be sure of the placement of certain images, logo, flags, ... You'll spend hours on it, but the happiness it brings at the end... 😁😁
But don't worry, you will have a "boss" to help you... Of course I mean Flut, not me 😉😉.
But if for some of your requests I can help, no worries I will do it...
Last point, if you want help, make screenshots (the complete screen with the writing in English) with your message, there are so many panels in this game. But this way, the boss already knows which panel you are talking about... Because it happened to me again last night 😂😂
For all those who play with 2560x1440 resolution:
I send you a small update of the skin.
No major changes, mostly graphical adjustments. Good game to all...
#627188 Nets and corner posts colours
If ever a moderator could delete this message. Indeed, as far as I can see it works for corner posts. But in the club where I am, they have reversed the primary and secondary color...
#627175 FM 2021 FLUT skin dark - Version 16.0
Well, according to your message where I am mentioned, "one who helped the other who laughed"... So it's me you're talking to, right?
But well, I don't want to eternalize this false polemic...
Real life is hard enough to take the head on this forum... I'm glad your problem is solved.
Have a nice evening.
#627172 FM 2021 FLUT skin dark - Version 16.0
I wasn't sneering.... It was just an observation.
It is you who mark that you have fiddled, without success ... After that you come to ask if Flut can help. I did the opposite, simply...
I didn't want to be derogatory but I already had the case where it was the opposite while wanting to help…
#627119 FM 2021 FLUT skin dark - Version 16.0
Your problem is that it's white on white...
I tried for a while today to change the colours of the panels and the writing...
Indeed, in the lines of code which manages all that, I tried to modify each colour for each writing, wallpaper...
Unfortunately the only thing I didn't manage to change is the writing of the scorer's name which remains black and the white writing of the small sign located just below... I've looked on the news feed where I got this panel from, apparently they have the same problem...
#627104 FM 2021 FLUT skin dark - Version 16.0
This is it. When you open the large panel at the bottom :
And I would have liked the information inside to look something like this :
It's true that the thumbnails are not very explicit... Sorry
#627096 FM 2021 FLUT skin dark - Version 16.0
It's in the same principle as the Mr.old_school question but without changing the locations and sizes of the panels.
I personally thought you should just make the following sign:
It looks like this one:
or this one:
But that's up to you. Cordially
#627071 FM 2021 FLUT skin dark - Version 16.0
🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️. Indeed...
Thank's. t didn't stop me from winning 1-0 against them 😉😉😂😂😂
#627039 FM 2021 FLUT skin dark - Version 16.0
I just stumbled across this and I don't know if it's normal or a mistake in the writing on my part ?
It's the report from my scout from the team I'm playing against next... As you can see, under the pictures, the stars of the players do not appear. And if I choose one of the players, these are visible on their personal sheet.
#627016 FM 2021 FLUT skin dark - Version 16.0
So I got an answer on the SI site about the goalkeepers.
For those who want to know, it has to do with the 3 circles in the player panel. The third one is for tackles!!! Since I've been playing FM and the 3D mode, I've never seen a goalie make a tackle... And even very rarely take a yellow or a red....
And as in my real life, I played in this position, it's weird to see that the goalkeepers are judged on that.
#626998 FM 2021 FLUT skin dark - Version 16.0
Anything you put in your "logo" folder, put "left" at the end in the line of code. And if you have flags (I personally have the Frodomin ones which I think are great) and only at this "config", I put "right" at the end.
#626990 FM 2021 FLUT skin dark - Version 16.0
Hi boss.
I've already taken almost 3 months just to adapt the skin to the resolution I'm using, so embarking on this project, which seemed nice at the beginning, I was quickly disappointed... 😲😲
As we say in my country : “the student does not surpass the boss” 😉😉
#626987 FM 2021 FLUT skin dark - Version 16.0
Greetings. To change the icons that appear in the title bar, you must :
1- create a "logo" file in the "Pictures" folder of your "graphics" folder (not the one of the skin).
2- put the logos of the competitions, the nations and the flags (if you use them).
3- modify the "config" as you do for the jerseys in the players' panel ( Be careful, for the flags, if you use them, put "right" instead of "left").
4-Then, in the "graphics" menu of the skin, open the "pictures" folder and delete the "logo" folder (because this one is read first, not yours).
5-Reload your game (if it is in progress).
Normally if you have done everything right, your title bar will look like this:
Hoping to have helped you as much as possible.
Yours sincerely.
#626940 Nets and corner posts colours
I would like to know if it is possible to change the colour of the nets? I remember that in an older version this was done.
And also the corner posts? Indeed, when I watch my game in 3D, they are white with a simple line in it... so "faded" compared to the rest...
I would have liked to know if it was possible to put them in the colours of the club or the competition. If anyone knows how to do it?
#626929 FM 2021 FLUT skin dark - Version 16.0
Hello. I'm coming back to you with your request... Unfortunately I don't think I'm going to do it.... . from what I see and from my little experience acquired thanks to Flut's precious help as well as from the vision I made on my screen, there are too many parameters to change on all the panels.
I don't think I'll even have finished when my holidays are over...
It's also a pity that SI has removed the 50% zoom this year...
I'm really sorry.
#626839 FM 2021 FLUT skin dark - Version 16.0
I have some slight modifications to make. Just tell me which panels they are