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#614161 [FM21] PequenoGenio88 Skins
My only suggestion would be to add a highlighter in the inbox for easier recognition and reading.
#611510 EPL 9 subs file compatible with real fixtures
I create nation rules and add fixtures:
Then I go to advanced rules, Premier League, stages and it is empty:
There is nowhere to change league settings. I'd have to go to add stage and then create EPL stages from scratch.
But if I just create nation rules for England, add lower divisions and immediately go to advanced rules I can see stages and edit league settings with no problems.
I don't know if that is a bug.
If it is I will report it at SI, but would you be so kind if you do not have this issue just to go to advanced rules and change to 9 subs for me. Real results file is in the attachments.
#611503 EPL 9 subs file compatible with real fixtures
If I set up real fixtures then go to advanced rules for 9 subs, stage-leag is not there and needs to be set up from scratch.
If I set up 9 subs I cannot import real fixtures in advanced rules, have to go back to basic to do that, but in that case I lose 9 subs.
#611481 Help Me Change Amount of Subs Available, Using Pre-Game Editor
Hi kingrobbo,
So I created a nations rule for England and added real fixtures and results in, went to advanced rules to also change EPL to 9 subs as in real life, but I don't have this stages menu like shown here. I have to go to stages, add new stage and then set up the whole league again from scratch, but I don't want to mess anything up.
If I just create a file nations rules, England, go to advanced rules immediately without setting up fixtures I have the stages menu and can change the subs.
Is there any way I can add fixtures while in advanced rules? Or create one file with fixtures, one with 9 subs and then merge them? Would that work?
Thank you
#580786 TCS skin FM21 v.1
One question - when I try to put my custom BG in the backgrounds folder and reload the skin, only the upper half is my BG and the bottom is the default one. Is there a way to change that?
Thank you
#574813 How to make a custom start date easily
#574784 No dark/light officials skins? Just the purple one?
#573949 FMV Logos
#556499 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
#554909 FM 20: AML's Real Fixtures and Results + Custom Start Date
If you need an up to date version you have this: https://footballmanagerforum.forumfree.it/?t=77136819
#523905 FM 20: AML's Real Fixtures and Results + Custom Start Date
EDIT: You're probably asking because of the start date? I will update it now, but in the future you can do that yourself. Just open the 'custom start date' file in FM editor, click on start dates and move the date to whatever you want.
#523904 FM 20: AML's Real Fixtures and Results + Custom Start Date
#520700 FM 20: AML's Real Fixtures and Results + Custom Start Date
SI bugged out some leagues with 20.3. and 20.4. db (Brazil, Portugal, Netherlands) which prevented those leagues from being selected so I tried to fix it and it seems to be working right now, but I haven't tested it a few years down the line so if you notice any bugs please report here.
#520582 FM 20: AML's Real Fixtures and Results + Custom Start Date
#520222 FM 20: AML's Real Fixtures and Results + Custom Start Date
If not, when you try to select Brazil hover your mouse over the red triangle and see what competition exactly is the problem, then open the Brazil file in editor and click on that competition, expand all levels, but don't change anything. Then test rules, save the file and try again in game. That exact process worked for me. If that doesn't help I have no clue what to do.
#520194 FM 20: AML's Real Fixtures and Results + Custom Start Date
#520172 FM 20: AML's Real Fixtures and Results + Custom Start Date
#520171 FM 20: AML's Real Fixtures and Results + Custom Start Date
Here's an extensive tutorial how to create your own files
#520080 FM 20: AML's Real Fixtures and Results + Custom Start Date
#519356 FM 20: AML's Real Fixtures and Results + Custom Start Date
What do you mean it doesn't let you select custom start date? Is there a red triangle or you don't have it in your nations list?
#519351 FM 20: AML's Real Fixtures and Results + Custom Start Date
First you tick the custom start date file like here:
Then you click on advanced options. When the new window opens go to add/remove leagues and select sortitoutsi.net custom start date like here:
Then you go to the bottom right corner, click on the drop-down menu below game start date, find the sortitoutsi league and select start of 2019 season like here:
It has to work. I've created 100s of saves just testing it.
#519343 FM 20: AML's Real Fixtures and Results + Custom Start Date
These files are made for starting the game on February 24th, 2020. Idk how the files are behaving and how the game rearranges them if you want to start in summer of 2019.
#519340 FM 20: AML's Real Fixtures and Results + Custom Start Date
Did you start just that one save and had that problem?
Maybe there was a clash with some other fixtures and the game moved it on it's own.
#519324 FM 20: AML's Real Fixtures and Results + Custom Start Date
Only difference is if you make real fixtures on 20.3.0 db the EPL summer transfer window is moved to September 1st as in real life. So I will make another file for EPL on 20.3.0 db bc of the new date for transfer window closing and keep the others on 20.1.0 because it's too bothersome to move everything again now.
In short-other than transfer window in EPL it doesn't matter on which db you make these files so you guys can freely download and not worry about any problems or conflicts.
I will update the file so you can download the new EPL version and results for two games that were played last night in EPL and Bundesliga.
#519319 FM20 Extra files
EDIT: Nevermind, you need to get into the summer transfer window and then it changes to Sep 1st.
#519307 FM 20: AML's Real Fixtures and Results + Custom Start Date
#519246 FM 20: AML's Real Fixtures and Results + Custom Start Date
#519130 FM 20: AML's Real Fixtures and Results + Custom Start Date
Also, is there any admins around? Is it possible to change my username just to @AML? Thanks
EDIT: Nevermind, I found it.
#518978 FM 20: AML's Real Fixtures and Results + Custom Start Date
So far I've done it for top 5 leagues, first divisions only and I will add Argentina, Brazil, Netherlands and Portugal with the update tomorrow. Also just 1st divisions.
#518977 FM 20: AML's Real Fixtures and Results + Custom Start Date
Although I have to say I made these on 20.1.0 and will continue to make them on 20.1.0 because I have my own transfer database I've been making all season and don't want to lose it. But I think you can start games on 20.3.0 and use my files, don't think there'll be any problems.
I would ask @kingrobbo to help us out here. I don't think there'll be problems but he knows better than me.