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#764823 FM24 Real Name Fix File v4.1 [23/05/2024] - DOWNLOAD AND APPLY AGAIN TO FIX ISSUES CAUSED BY NEW UPDATE
You only need to reapply the 1.1 - if there is a new one, simply install it
#758385 FM24 Real Name Fix File v4.1 [23/05/2024] - DOWNLOAD AND APPLY AGAIN TO FIX ISSUES CAUSED BY NEW UPDATE
If they were as correct and fast at SI as Mons, that would be great. They haven't included the current German Cup winner in the list of winners again. I find that impossible ...
Mons does it great every year and totally fast ... so 🙂
#758375 FM24 Real Name Fix File v4.1 [23/05/2024] - DOWNLOAD AND APPLY AGAIN TO FIX ISSUES CAUSED BY NEW UPDATE
Normally only the last one … (the actual DB Version).
#758367 FM24 Real Name Fix File v4.1 [23/05/2024] - DOWNLOAD AND APPLY AGAIN TO FIX ISSUES CAUSED BY NEW UPDATE
Me every 1 min …. - will start my save 😛
#711033 FM2023 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v5.0 for FM23.5 [released on 09/05/2023]
DBC Folder looks different! There are 24 files. Shouldnt there only 3+ the permanent folder?
And the 3 files, which should there, aren´t there!
#710874 FM2023 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v5.0 for FM23.5 [released on 09/05/2023]
To be on the safe side, you could send him a copy of the game...
#710847 FM2023 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v5.0 for FM23.5 [released on 09/05/2023]
It seems to me that we're all lounging around here in front of Mon's front door, waiting for him to come home from work ^^
#710769 FM2023 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v5.0 for FM23.5 [released on 09/05/2023]
Hi, you can still insert the fix during the game I thought?
#706318 FM2023 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v5.0 for FM23.5 [released on 09/05/2023]
#706316 FM2023 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v5.0 for FM23.5 [released on 09/05/2023]
Hmm, i got a virus-warning from my bitdefender?
#647338 Schweigi's Standard Logos
Thank you for answering. But all downloadbuttons forwarded me to the same page - the page where you can choose what you want to download. But there is no all-in-one download.
#647326 Schweigi's Standard Logos
Hi, looking for downloading the logos in one file - is there a possibilty to so? Dont find it. I dont want download a 4-file pack or something else … 😢
#633982 Home thread for the FM25 Cut-Out Megapack - 2025.03 OUT NOW [11/02/2025]
Sry, but where is the torrent-version? I dont find it by “scrolling down” ….
Oo Have it - sry early in the morning, only 1 coffee yet …
#626089 sortitoutsi Background and Stadium Packs Technical Support Thread
Where can i find the torrent?
#618931 England - English Leagues Level 7-10 3D'2020/21 by bolid74 Relink! (31/03/21)
Guernsey: After the last Update it seems that my Players are naked?
Next game the had the correct shirt :) Dont know what happened … forget it …
#275016 FMC/FMT Stadium Superpack for FM17 [New pack released for FM17]
/edit: found it, thx
#196266 FMC Stadium Superpack for FM14 - Update Pack 1 released
#175655 [FM2014] Better Than Default Panels
in the club overwiew screen the 2 drop down menues (squares are blank) in lower right place (the examples show here kits and results) are not selectable.
Any hint?
#174712 FM2014 Real Names and German National Team Fix File – version 2.1 for FM14.3.0 [02/03/2014]
#174632 FM2014 Real Names and German National Team Fix File – version 2.1 for FM14.3.0 [02/03/2014]
Ok, it seems that
Step 2: Delete the dbc, edt and lnc folders from the folder above
Step 3: Copy the dbc, edt and lnc folder from this download into the folder mentioned in step 1.
works not for 1400 ....
That means no real names for default db?
*confused* It works without deleting and copying the files in 1400?
edit 2:
ok, dont work with the default DB, how can i use this file for the default DB?
#174581 FM2014 Real Names and German National Team Fix File – version 2.1 for FM14.3.0 [02/03/2014]
Known problem - or have i made a mistake?
#173343 FMC Stadium Superpack for FM14 - Update Pack 1 released
1. Geordie Main Pack
2. Geordie Update 1
3. Geordie Update 2
4. Your Update
#144734 FMC FLUT skin for FM 2014 v 2.0 [updated 30.07.2014]