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#673422 Damien Andrey
I don't think I have the skills to meet your expectations.
Do you have the "guidelines" link that I can submit my photos of poor quality?
#673382 Damien Andrey
I spend time doing this job and trying to respect what you tell me.
I do not understand why some were accepted, and others refused, when I proceeded in the same way.
I understand you are demanding, but when you look at some of your photos, not all of them meet the required standards, maybe they are too old.
But whatever, I'll try to follow your rules one last time, and then I give up ^^
#673243 Damien Andrey
Ok I get it, I will stop this work because it does not suit you.
I will do it only for me, too bad not to share with the community.
#673107 Ludovic Faucher
Thank you for all those informations.
I'm just starting out, I didn't know all the criteria. I will try to do with these software.
Sorry for all the other photos that are not up to standard