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#768612 Kits Request - Football Manager 2014
Ian Scotcher
I'm looking for the following FC'12 kits in order to complete my Football Manager 2014 graphics:
NEC Nijmegan Third
Sporting Third
Setubal Third
These 3 were missing from the downloaded packs so hopefully someone has them on here?
#768518 FM10
Ian Scotcher
I don't suppose anyone has a FM10 kits megapack available for me to download?
#761858 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
Ian Scotcher
I found it 🙂
Version 6.00 - Football Manager Cut Out Player Faces Megapack Megapack (sortitoutsi.net)
#761843 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
Ian Scotcher
Thank Mons, surely the full pack is stored on this website for direct download as at one point or another all previous megapacks would've been available for direct download for premium members? For example there would've been a new megapack for say FM21 on here so I'd expect that to be archived somewhere.
If not I'm hoping that someone who does have it could put it into a zip file and re-upload it on here for download.
#761834 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
Ian Scotcher
I want to start a new career on FM14 and would like megapack 6.0 however I can't find it anywhere to download. Is there anyway on here where I can get it from or and alternative link in order to download it?
I don't want to use any of the latest packs as the players have since moved clubs/retired e.g. Rooney is now a manager so his current picture will look odd in FM14.
#761013 Any other matters - related to Cut Outs but not to any particular thread
Ian Scotcher
Hey, that's correct but the problem is the players within the latest pack aren't in the correct kits as it's a 2023 database but I want a 2014 one e.g. I want Van Persie to have his 2014 cut out face not his 2023 one.
Megapack 6.0 looks to have all the correct ones for FM 2014 which is the game I am playing
#760972 Any other matters - related to Cut Outs but not to any particular thread
Ian Scotcher
I'd like to download the Megapack 6.0 in order to use it for Football Manager 2014, does anyone know where I could get this from?
#644940 Site issues - reporting thread
Ian Scotcher
I'm trying to download the Cut Out Megapack 3.0 and 3.1 but the link no longer works (see attached).
#644937 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
Ian Scotcher
Anyone know where I can download the 3.00 facepack from as the premium link on this website isn't working?