6 years ago
1 day ago
By kingrobbo 18 May 2021 - 22:07 PM UTC 

he isnt in the FM21 db mate


he was probably in older versions?

Instead of a 404 page it should probably redirect to the page from most recent FM version they were in


15 years ago
2 hours ago
By weeniehutjr 18 May 2021 - 22:12 PM UTC 

Instead of a 404 page it should probably redirect to the page from most recent FM version they were in


yes I am am sure it used to do that?

18 years ago
6 hours ago

@weeniehutjr it should redirect you from now on 🙂

17 years ago
1 day ago

@Footygamer I think the records section may need a quick check through, as some records are listed incorrectly


Take the following for instance: https://sortitoutsi.net/records/record/5?game_id=12

(Highest score draw)


Current record for FM21 is 8

Which is a 4-4 draw, however there is also a record listed as 5. Which was a 5-5 draw, which using the previous scale should actually be 10 and hold the record


Would you like me to check through and suggest changes needed to existing record entries, or is this not required?

18 years ago
6 hours ago

I've fixed that one, if you spot any others please do point them out!


I think the user himself put in “5” as the entry for that one instead of “10” so potentially some usability issues/confusion.

7 years ago
1 week ago

Can you add a delay before the submenu popup is shown?
It creates a problem if you move the mouse from top to down (even if you move very fast), and you can't skip it - the popup is so big so it covers the entire screen.

18 years ago
5 hours ago
By Footygamer 21 May 2021 - 01:21 AM UTC 

I've fixed that one, if you spot any others please do point them out!


I think the user himself put in “5” as the entry for that one instead of “10” so potentially some usability issues/confusion.


This record submission doesn't have a score and when I edit it, the changes don't seem to save…

17 years ago
1 day ago
By Footygamer 21 May 2021 - 01:21 AM UTC 

I've fixed that one, if you spot any others please do point them out!

Some more FM record errors:


https://sortitoutsi.net/records/submission/3217 (Biggest Defeat)

Records are listed in negatives, so smallest defeat has the record (changing them to postive numbers should correct this)


https://sortitoutsi.net/records/submission/3198 (Fastest Goal)

User has incorrectly set his entry as minutes when he should have put in seconds (18 not 1080) image confirms this


https://sortitoutsi.net/records/record/26?game_id=12 (Highest AV Rating)

Record has been set as 700 - when should be 7.72

9 years ago
8 hours ago
This looks weird in the Stories section, and I haven't made any changes to the display or graphical settings on my laptop either. Any thoughts?

4 years ago
2 days ago

I have a problem where the logos in the career stories are stretched. 

18 years ago
6 hours ago
17 years ago
5 hours ago

I am trying to download the Steel logos megapack's initial release but clicking on the 'Direct Download' link on this page, https://sortitoutsi.net/media/1409068/download, doesn't seem to work and the page reloads. I have clicked on the Mediafire link and it's downloading at between 80 and 130kB. To compare that with the update packs that I was able to download at 5.1MB and you can see why I'd prefer a direct link to be available, especially as a paying premium member. The pack was going to take over 9 hours to download so I've cancelled it. I was able to download the latest update pack, which is a similar size, in minutes.


Is there a direct link available that the button needs to point to?

18 years ago
6 hours ago

@MarcLister  Sorry about that, it's because we did some renaming and an old link was left. I've fixed it now and it looks like it's working 🙂

17 years ago
5 hours ago
By Footygamer 08 June 2021 - 01:06 AM UTC 

@MarcLister  Sorry about that, it's because we did some renaming and an old link was left. I've fixed it now and it looks like it's working 🙂


Yep that's got it now. Downloading it at 3.8MB/sec. Thanks. 🙂

18 years ago
6 hours ago

Just to announce that I've just accidentally sent 3 emails to 1000 people, these were old emails announcing Pre Orders for FM21 so obviously don't make sense.


I've decided against trying to send another apology email as honestly I don't have the time and we're not setup for sending unique emails to people like that at the moment.


But obviously I do apologise for any annoyance this may have caused. 

17 years ago
1 day ago



The soccer prediction league 


is cool but can we have the table use number of predictions made ranked highest to lowest?


At present the fewer predictions someone has made the higher they finish if scores are tied

14 years ago
2 days ago

The counter of the pending images in Browse Images for Cut Out Facepack is not working. It shows the same amount of pending images for more than a week.

I'm pretty sure that the numbers here are not correct too. I'll take Botev Plovdiv as an example. It says that 61 out of 62 images have cut outs (98%), but when you enter in the team you can see that all of them have cut outs (61 out of 61 images, 100%).

9 years ago
8 hours ago
Hi all, got a few things to query if you don't mind. All relate in the Careers Hub,

1. When submitting a season I can't seem to find the Irn-Bru Cup (as it was known in FM2019) under the competitions, Is this under a different name?

2. Why when submitting a season, finishing 1st in a division somehow doesn't constitute a trophy. Surely guys a trophy is a trophy...and you get one for winning a league right?

3. On the old site, you had an option to upload your game state with stats at the end of each season as a file. New site doesn't have this option hence your awards don't show. Was this not required on the updated site?

Can do some screengrabs if needed.

Otherwise, keep up the fab work.
18 years ago
6 hours ago

Thanks for the reports @HockeyBhoy !


  1. This was renamed the SPFL Trust Trophy in later versions and uses that name on the site.
  2. This should be fixed now
  3. This actually had alot of bugs and was difficult to maintain especially with different languages and devices. It was also only used by 21 people last year so really didn't seem worth spending alot of time on it unfortunately 
18 years ago
6 hours ago
By t.marinov 12 June 2021 - 13:46 PM UTC 

The counter of the pending images in Browse Images for Cut Out Facepack is not working. It shows the same amount of pending images for more than a week.

I'm pretty sure that the numbers here are not correct too. I'll take Botev Plovdiv as an example. It says that 61 out of 62 images have cut outs (98%), but when you enter in the team you can see that all of them have cut outs (61 out of 61 images, 100%).


I haven't been able to figure out what's causing this to get out of sync yet. I've just done a rebuild so they should now all be accurate but they may get out of sync. 


It looks like there was an issue caused by some downtime on May 27th and it may all be related to that.


Can you let me know if you notice it getting out of sync again over the next few days and weeks?

14 years ago
2 days ago
By Footygamer 23 June 2021 - 01:56 AM UTC 

Can you let me know if you notice it getting out of sync again over the next few days and weeks?


This page is out of sync again. I think that these numbers are the same for almost a month (maybe 2 or 3 days after your fix). But when you enter in all of the continents, the numbers are correct.
For example I'll take Africa.
At the main page - Africa has 82 pending images.
When you go to Africa's page and you sum the pending images of all African's countries - 66.

P.S. I have a question/request for a new function: Is it possible to add a function to click on the yellow text with the number of pending images, which leads you to these pending images only? It's too hard to find them now if you want to “complete” all pending images for a certain continent/country/tournament or club.
If that's impossible, then may be a sign somewhere at the club's page. This club has 5 pending images as you can see in the previous page, but you can't understand here which are these 5 images.

Ian Scotcher
4 years ago
1 year ago

I'm trying to download the Cut Out Megapack 3.0 and 3.1 but the link no longer works (see attached).

3 years ago
11 months ago
16 years ago
17 hours ago
By AIKStockholm 19 August 2021 - 13:54 PM UTC 

Trying to upload a pack @mons.


Same problem here

18 years ago
5 hours ago

Apparently there's an issue with uploading packs on the cutout section. Tagging @Footygamer so he's aware.

18 years ago
6 hours ago

Sorry guys, should be fixed now @maxtod77 @AIKStockholm 

10 years ago
6 days ago

I can't upload packs, neither requests nor completed cuts. Could you make it possible to upload game-ready packs at least ?


18 years ago
5 hours ago

@Footygamer, I think the best solution would be to have no restrictions at all in terms of how many packs an individual can upload, irrespective of image type, as it was beforehand 👍

6 years ago
1 day ago

Getting this error trying to upload a teampack

10 years ago
6 days ago
By weeniehutjr 20 August 2021 - 18:24 PM UTC 

Getting this error trying to upload a teampack

It's no longer possible to upload a pack as a .zip (or .rar) as the site interprets that as one file, which isn't possible when uploading a pack. Try uploading a folder or several images at the same time

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