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#638194 Prediction League for Euros and Copa America
Ashish DB
Well, I don't know if it is a bug per se, but I filtered the predictions by "pending", and once I updated them, the page suddenly refreshed and brought me to this forum.
A bug that I did notice is that some “draw” predictions (both zero and non-zero draws) were listed under “pending”.
UPDATE: This only seems to happen when first filling the predictions; I'm able to change predictions to draws without any error now.
#638094 Prediction League for Euros and Copa America
Ashish DB
The page instantly jumped to this forum here after I completed my prediction. I'm guessing that they're saved automatically. No idea how to review them though.
EDIT: All you need to do is revisit this page: Soccer Prediction League (sortitoutsi.net)
#638082 Prediction League for Euros and Copa America
Ashish DB
I'm aware of that 😀 I meant, is there anything to do in here, in the site…
#638058 Prediction League for Euros and Copa America
Ashish DB
So… I've submitted the predictions. Now what? Wait?