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#806252 New Stadium layout
Hi all
I have a question about the new stadiums feature. Every year (in every FM) the team I play gets a new stadium due to how old and crappy the real one is. The new stadium is always around 43K capacity and has this standard ugly layout with square shape, not stands in the corners and two decks with very ugly rood on each stand.
I would like to know if this is random (and if why I get this layout every single time) and most importantly if I can do anything to change it.
#753735 FM 2023 FLUT skin dark - Version 8.0
@flut Thank you!
#749524 FM 2023 FLUT skin dark - Version 8.0
First of all congratulations on this great skin! By far the best I've used so far.
I have a couple of questions on how to make some small changes. In the attached match details view, I've made changes on the first panel by resizing the windows and choosing “Misc” for the displayed info. But these changes doesn't stick. They go away after every break (halftime or if I go to tactics during the game). Is there a way to save them as the default format/view?
How can I replace the heart/cycle icons with percentages in the in-match tactics view (I'd like to do that everywhere, but let's focus on this for now 😀slightly_smiling_face: ?