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#288037 Request a cutout of your own image for the manager avatar
Could someone do this picture please?
Thank you in advance.
#274261 Megapack - Improvement Image request thread - NEW RULES IN OP
Player ID: 43039794
Link: Link to picture
Existing Images: Search results for: 43039794
Baja Edit - Not an improvement.
#274093 Megapack - Improvement Image request thread - NEW RULES IN OP
Player ID: 43050841
Link: Link to picture
Existing Images: Search results for: 43050841
Baja Edit - Image has been cut.
#73565 Request a cutout of your own image for the manager avatar
Your text to link here...
#8629 Megapack Alternative Image thread - NO REQUESTS
#8549 Megapack Alternative Image thread - NO REQUESTS
19082671, I think. Thank you, anyway!
#8516 Megapack Alternative Image thread - NO REQUESTS
#8291 Megapack - Improvement Image request thread - NEW RULES IN OP
To Replace:
Why improvement? More recent, better face position.
Thank you in advance.
#7144 Megapack - Improvement Image request thread - NEW RULES IN OP
No change in physiognomy of his face? I think he's really different now from two years ago! Then, it's more difficult to lose 25 kg than cut your hair or let them grow, I think "fitness" is more important than hair style, and surely it changes your face more!
Anyway, as you have treated me like someone who asked for a Miguel Veloso or a Neymar, I ask you, please, to add in the rules that players in source MUSN'T smile, and that a smile is more important than how recent the pic is. Change rules, and you're right, but really, I don't know why you treated me like that If nowhere it's written that you don't want smiling player. In many FC website I have seen official players pic smiling. I agree with you for chicken neck, but smiling it isn't strange!
From this moment on, I will follow your adviceabout megapack folder ^^ Didn't think about that way, I'll try.
#7131 Megapack - Improvement Image request thread - NEW RULES IN OP
I already answered about why in my opinion the image I posted is an improvement. Why don't you tell me why for you it isn't? Is too recent for you? Adriano is your favourite player so you don't like seeing it a bit fatter than usual?
I don't get the line starting with "beside". Anyway, I'm sorry to disappoint you. I downloaded the full megapack, as I do everytime. I follow every forum rule, so really I don't know why are you acting so rude when I simply showed here an image more recent than the actual MP version.
If I ask for MP images in the Megapack Picture Search Service is because I can replace some image with alternatives or older that I prefer to some actual, but sometimes I don't remember the original, so I ask for help (always thanking in advance for the effort). I think It's quite normal! The MPSS is here for that, I think, cause everyone hereis supposed to have downloaded the full megapack.
As I told you earlier, I really don't see Sortitoutsi as my personal portal, I give my support as I can, so please stop accusing me of being the worse person in the forum
P.S. I think my source is an improvement. You say it isn't, cause Adriano in that image is fat (as he's now, two years later than the mp version). Now I'm the one that you don't want in the forum. At least I tried to be polite.
#7121 Megapack - Improvement Image request thread - NEW RULES IN OP
Sorry, don't get the point about that. I followed rules in forum, and you're writing it just like I posted a 8 pixel side image of Neymar, without thanking your efforts, claiming that's a massive improvement and that you must do it.
* Resolution/quality
* Date the photo was taken
* The face is in full profile and not to the side.
* Someone will have spent a lot of time cutting the existing MP image, so really ask yourself if it is worth replacing and be polite.
1. Resolution is good, maybe better than the actual image.
2. Actual image facepack was taken more than two years ago. Mine is more recent, and Adriano changed really much in this period.
3. It's full profilo, no side.
4. Obviously I thought before posting, as I do everytime I read this forum.
I didn't want unusual expression in my game, really don't care about that, nor the correct shirt, and Adriano is simply smiling in his re-presentation for Flamengo. If he's becoming fat isn't my fault; Daniel Carvalho for Palmeiras fatten up, but there's a more recent image in the megapack, not the one when he played with Cska. Or maybe do you think in the mp there's a funny Daniel Carvalho face? Sincerely, don't get the point.
In my opinion the image is better, more recent, full profile, so is an improvement! O_O
Maybe I'm not really good at cutting, but I helped in the past the site with donations, and I will buy Fm13 from the banner. I feel I'm supporting sortitoutsi,
#7057 Megapack - Improvement Image request thread - NEW RULES IN OP
To replace:
#7036 Megapack Picture Search Tool - One-click link inside
Vagner Love UID: 317288 (Flamengo)
Adriano UID: 2001403 (Flamengo or Corinthians in 2012)
Thank you in advance.
#7027 Megapack Picture Search Tool - One-click link inside
#5439 Megapack - Improvement Image request thread - NEW RULES IN OP
I don't have previous image, so maybe it's missing.