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#658951 FM2022 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v4.1 for FM22.4.1 [released on 04/04/2022] - final version
No absolutely I was just surprised as previous versions of the game had a gamepass folder. Also last years versions was an absolute farce is trying to get the real name fix to work. This year no problem at all.
#658941 FM2022 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v4.1 for FM22.4.1 [released on 04/04/2022] - final version
Not sure if this is happening with anyone else, but the gamepass version is using the same folder the steam version uses. Meaning there is no gamepass folder within my Documents. And all graphics, skins, files etc.. work absolutely fine. Strange.
#637245 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Problem fixed. For some reason the steam version was conflicting with the game pass version :/ deleted the gamepass version and all is good now.
#637001 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Yeah I have multiple times, even restarted the game.
#636997 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Any idea why the kits aren't showing up in game? I swapped the old LFC Home kit for the new one you made and it isn't showing up in game as it's still showing the old LFC home kit from last year which you also made. Both file names are the same in folder and in the config so I don't understand it. It's the same with the new Chelsea kit too.
#570706 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
#529106 For those who can't load editor data on the Gamepass version
#529100 FM2020 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v2.3 for FM20.4.1 [released on 28/04/2020]
#482816 FM2019 Real Names and German National Team Fix File for FM19 v3.0 [released 01/03/2019]
Yeah I mentioned this a few days ago I have the same problem. No idea why this is happening and no one seems to have a fix for this. So annoying!
#481718 FM2019 Real Names and German National Team Fix File for FM19 v3.0 [released 01/03/2019]
Can't even rename the files, keeps coming up with an unexpected error. I can only delete them but as I say as soon as the game loads up the files magically come back.
#481685 FM2019 Real Names and German National Team Fix File for FM19 v3.0 [released 01/03/2019]
I need someone else who has the Gamepass version to see if they have the same problem. It's ridiculous why the files keep coming back after you delete them.
#481680 FM2019 Real Names and German National Team Fix File for FM19 v3.0 [released 01/03/2019]
I've had no problems with the steam version of the game. I'm not doing anything wrong I just think it's the Gamepass version itself and for some reason it keeps automatically
adding back the files like "Fake.dbc, Licensing2.dbc etc... and I don't know why.
#481676 FM2019 Real Names and German National Team Fix File for FM19 v3.0 [released 01/03/2019]
There seems to be no point in applying the license fix because each time you delete the right files and replace them with the fixed files they automatically come back as soon
as you load the game up and the fix doesn't work! so irritating!!
#460804 TCS '19 v1.1 + WTS Edition!
#457797 The FM18 Adboard Patch - V1.4 Out Now
Yeah this doesn't work. Just stays constantly on the one adboard scrolling through it