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#639277 Emmanuel Giudicelli
January 3 , 2018 and June 9 , 2021 on twitter.
#639014 Pierre Buonocore
June 4 , 2015 and July 5 , 2019 , instagram.
#638706 Pierre-Alain Montecer
@Ttggfr explained the first reason. I have never tried but i prefer it individually , it avoids making a mistake , in addition it is easy to cut these sources.
#638703 Thomas Basila
@NicasOUIOUI , for fc nantes , i advise you “imago images” or “ligue1.fr” for the first team ( sometimes "getty images ). For young player , i advise you the official site for yours sources of fc nantes.
#638691 Pierre-Alain Montecer
January 5 , 2017 on facebook and October 23 , 2020 on getty images for these two sources.
#638628 Arthur Zagré
There are all the players of the first DFCO team on the getty images site on October 23 , 2020.
If someone wants to make a source pack ?
#638548 Matthew Barratt
On the left.
#638496 Joe Ling
@tv_capper , it is necessary to cut the area of the face ( as for remove.bg ) then to enlarge the image on imglarger.com.
There the player looks like an alien.^^
#638452 Moses Simon
@mons , i'll translate your last comment later. I have to translate word by word , it tires me.
I generally respect the rules and i'm really fed up with being criticized ( or quoted ) , sorry but i'm french , my english is bad.
You can offer a function “ better source ” which would therefore be in the name of the first requester.
Or if not , two solutions , you accept the copy and paste when i suggest a better source or else i will not submit the source even if i have it available to make a better cut out face , unless i don't mind cutting it.
#638449 Daniel Percheron
Sorry but i don't see any snow , but you can try to improve it if you want , i don't mind.
#638440 Denzel Custos
@tv_capper , an example , with “https://imglarger.com/”.
#638438 David Malanda
@Mustang13297 , thank you very much.
@tv_capper , it should interest you ( for joe ling of crystal palace ) when you have sources of little size ( eight free images then it pays ).
#638431 Moses Simon
There i don't know what to say.
First , it is you who asks for the source , i save you time by posting it.
Secondly , @Ttggfr does exactly the same by copying and pasting the image , you never told him anything.
Thirdly , i'm limited to ten submissions and i get cut one in ten images after three weeks. You , you have no submissions limitations.
When we propose a better source to be of service , it is unfair that it is in our name , we should be able to put it in the name of whoever requested the image first. If i use the button “ upload image ” , i know i will have to cut it and i prefer to cut higher priority players who don't have a cut out face or a little cut (180 X 180 ).
#638424 Stuart Campbell
For him , i also looked for another source , i did not find anything. I think it's better to have this cut out face than no picture , it gives a glimpse of this face.
#638420 Moses Simon
October 14 , 2020 , i think this source is of better quality than the one on the official site ( little size ) , so it will be a better cut out face.
#638340 Jeffry Kikanda
October 2019 and December 22 , 2020.
#638326 Daniel Percheron
April 23 , 2013 and January 24 , 2018.
#638201 Brek Shea
Alternative source transfermarkt , bigger size source and with collar.
#638199 Leandro Finochietto
April 25 and 4 , 2021.
#638150 Christian Makoun
@mons , look better , i am not the requester , i only propose a larger source that is easier to cut because no need to create a collar , it does not matter if the first source is cut , i do not care completely.
If i use the button “ upload image ” , i ‘m going to cut it again and i don’t want to , i would have done it in two minutes if there wasn't so much snow.
#638138 Christian Makoun
@mons , better source on transfermarkt.
#638019 David Malanda
@Mustang13297 , @weeniehutjr , how you go about having a bigger image on the official website of Nancy , please ? I am born and i play with Nancy.^^
#637979 Andrew Jung
@mons , i find it a little blurry , maybe it shouldn't be put in remove.bg but it allows to remove the little snow.
#637889 Lucas Bonelli
@mons , larger source ( double ). Sorry but i already have ten sources in pending. I rarely get cut off from my sources and i don't have too much time at the moment.
#637886 Renan
December 11 , 2019 on twitter.
#637878 Soudeysse Kari
Alternative source , November 13 , 2020 on transfermarkt.
#637874 Lucas Bonelli
#637865 Adrien Truffert
December 3 , 2020.
#637832 Glyn Lewis
September 3 , 2020 on twitter and May 26 , 2015 on facebook.
#637829 Edward Black
On the left , July 22 , 2018 and June 2 , 2019 on his account twitter.