ryangentile - Comments

#710227 sortitoutsi Background and Stadium Packs Technical Support Thread
3 years ago
10 months ago
By BramNUFC 06 November 2022 - 10:07 AM UTC 

Does my above comment help? The folder structure can work in a lot of different variations. Generally the best thing to do is to have as little sub-folders as possible. So like I have in my screenshot, graphics > team city backgrounds would work fine. 


The config file can either be within the same folder as the images, or seperate like how we have set it up by default.

@BramNUFC That seemed to have done it! Moved the image folder out of the update (2023.01) folder and moved them next to the config file. Thanks!



#710075 sortitoutsi Background and Stadium Packs Technical Support Thread
3 years ago
10 months ago
By BramNUFC 05 November 2022 - 22:49 PM UTC 

@Jaun Aldu After downloading an update pack, you have to move all the fles from there straight into your ‘main’ backgrounds folder. You now have them in seperate folders with seperate configs, that's why it doesn't work


@BramNUFC  Hi Bram. I think I am having the same issues as others who are posting on here. Logos, faces, trophies all work, but backgrounds just show a default inside stadium. I think my issue is what you mention here… When I extract just the stadium backgrounds, I see two folders that get unzipped: sortitoutsi Stadium Backgrounds and sortitoutsi Stadium Backgrounds 2023.01. The “2023.01” has all the images, but the first one has the config file. Am to amalgamate the images and the config file into one folder? Do I need to place it somewhere specific or just inside the graphic folder? Does this background folder need to be called something specific? Thanks!