BigAuldGrump Activity
im being a noob i understand (sorry if ive missed something) Why am i seeing 4 folders on my install files
Hey Mons, silly question time is it best waiting fro full game to come out before i apply this change as i assume the full game will overide all files?
Just wow. Thanks so much for your help mate. ‘’Ha'way the lads''
Did you download the megapack AND updates or just the megapacks? Also does your folder look like the one i posted? As i have reloaded and cleared and restarted game and PC. but nothing
@BramNUFC Cheers pal, Im just needing to make sure i understand. When i download all 5 files i have to use 2 separate folders (one for the updates and one for the main) so 5 files will be in (lets call it background main) and the other 5 files ‘’bac...
Hey bud, absolutely love your work every year (and still contribute each time also) would you be able to assist in this situation please? The below SS is my files about backgrounds and the in game SS showing no backgrounds. Using FLUT che...
Cheers pal, I be donating again when I get paid at end of month.
Hey guys, what have i done wrong here please. The weight is not correct.Ive tried full screen and 100% and 80% etc, but nothing seems to get rid of the jumble
Hi, I appreciate how busy you are and how minuscule this is. May i ask how to fix the sc...
By mons On 30 January 2021 - 21:40 PM UTCRead this and follow the steps outlined from this point on...
Hi guys, looking for help, so i moved all games etc over from HD to my SSD and every game works even...
one thing just to add, on the squad selection rules part (at the bottom where it says FA Cup League...
Hi all, thanks for the help previously. I started a new save with Hull, however now im having to re...
Any help is most welcome. I played fm21 last night all was fine running 5 major still having 3.5 st...
Hi bud,
Yup i was being an idiot and now using my winrar.
Thank you for your reply, it is much appreciated, i shouldve updated my post and yes it is resoved again thank you
Just signed up for membership paid £10 and im still not able to download the facepacks why?