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#769532 2D bright bigger white ball (Obviously for only 2D match engine)
Flavio Perrone
Exactly, can you help me please? Where is the ball by default? For years I have been looking for a solution to put the ball by default in leagues that do not have it, it seems extremely big to me and it literally ruins my game. Basically I want to set the default ball for all leagues. Greetings!
#769528 3D Match Balls Pack for FM24
Flavio Perrone
I've been looking for the same thing for years, I swear this is literally ruining my game.
#751073 FA Cup 2022-23 Match Balls
Flavio Perrone
how change ball? thanks! im play fm23
#751072 Premier League Match Ball 2023-24
Flavio Perrone
Hello! how change balls in football manager 23 please?