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#625671 ⬇️ Home Thread - Metallic Logo Megapack - FM24 Update 2025.02 Released [20/11/2024]
Thank you so much!
#625297 🛠️ Metallic Logos Technical Support Thread
Greetings fine gentlemen and congratulations on your hard work on making the FM even greater for us all. I am new to your community and i have a rather silly question to ask you, that i m sure has been answered before but by browsing through the forum i wasn't able to find anything about it. What i m curious is if with every update you also update the complete pack? To give you an example lets say that i downloaded the complete pack on 20/03/21 with your last update being on 02/03/21 i think i should be fine and that i don't need to download the 3 updates. Am i right or wrong? Again sorry about the silliness of the question and thank you for your time.