Dean Raven - Comments

#639912 Graphic Help
Dean Raven
3 years ago
2 years ago

Hi guys not sure if this should be posted in this thread but I need some help with club badges.


Im looking to make an entire leagues badges all one colour and was wondering if anyone on here could help me.


Ideally id like to make the club badges all black or all white and Im sure its doable via photoshop I just need a little assistance in how to do so

#639754 Standard Fantasy/Request Logo only (NO PACKS) Thread
Dean Raven
3 years ago
2 years ago

Hi all!


Was wondering if someone could help me out. I was hoping someone knew a way of making the welsh league badges right down to alliance leagues to make them monchrome ie just black and white or all silver etc or all white?


If someone could help me out with this that would be awesome!