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#783215 Jure Ivanković
Ivankovic took over as caretaker after previous manager got sacked. he is gonna leave at the end of the season
#777012 Bosnia & Herzegovina (D2) [FM24.3.0]
v1.2 - March 10th, 2024
- compatible with 24.3.0 database
#766110 Bosnia & Herzegovina (D2) [FM24.3.0]
New version is out with some little tweaks.
- additional tweaks to Match Rules for Premier League and First League of FBiH
- realistic Match rules for First League of RS and B&H Cup (it was wrong in the previous version)
#746539 Igor Budiša
There is no official statement of him named as new Zrinski manager but he is gonna manage the club in the new season. The previous manager got accused of "match fixing" by the club owner and dismissed him at the end of last season. Budiša got promoted but in overall mess there was no official statement.
#742247 Marin Leovac
why is the transfer disabled? it is confirmed on official Lokomotiva website: https://nklokomotiva.hr/vijest/marin-leovac-novi-je-igrac-lokomotive-2046
#741816 Branko Karačić
He extended the contract until June 2024. Here is the announcement
#741226 Niko Galešić
ok, sorry if I caused any problem. I knew there is an option to upload packs but thought it was for those who have more faces for request (like 10, 20 or more)
#740935 Gradski stadion
It is Rujevica Stadium on the current Background image. I uploaded the right one but you can see if the picture is good in terms of quality,
#735606 sortitoutsi Background and Stadium Packs Technical Support Thread
There is wrong Background Image for Gradski Stadion Velika Gorica (ID: 129938). Current image is an image of Rujevice (Rijeka Stadium). This could be a better picture.
Stadium ID: 2000227544 - Inside - Background
Stadium ID: 129964 - Inside
#735591 Stadiums Photos
I don't know because it is not my screenshot. Just posted the SS to show what I'm looking for.
#732283 Stadiums Photos
hi, I'm looking for a stadium photos megapack… not background photos but something like this on the screenshot. I wanna have photos shown on the stadium view screen… any advice on that? would be nice if the megapack has been updated recently
#714756 Lukas Kačavenda
Maybe not the best image quality (a little bit blurry) but I think it's still better then the current one.
#699801 Samir Toplak
He got sacked today - source (https://www.hnk-gorica.hr/vijesti/samir-toplak-i-branko-ladjevic-vise-nisu-treneri-gorice/1648).
I don't know what I did wrong with data editing.
#658275 Lukas Kačavenda
Haven't seen it's already completed until submitted my request. Searched before but it seems I did something wrong. Sorry...
EDIT: Although, this may be a better image due to the dimensions. The existing one is a bit blurry.
#617770 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
ID: 126302
Third image in attachments is logo.
#556079 José Herrera
#548600 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Club: Club Always Ready (Bolivia)
ID: 86055139 (the config file is not needed)
#488997 Fran Karačić
#488996 Fran Karačić
but image is better than the current one
#473074 Custom Football Manager Start Date, Fixtures, League table & results
#469444 Boško Šutalo
#402443 TCM17 Logopack by TCMLogos.com - Update 17.2 (01/04)
#397850 Any other matters - related to Cut Outs but not to any particular thread
#379797 Advan Kadušić
#379766 Lovro Majer
I need him, maybe this is better picture: http://www.nklokomotiva.hr/lib/plugins/thumb.php?src=upload_data/site_photos/majer-novi-web.jpg&w=230&h=320&zc=1
#342456 Home thread - MEGAPACK 2.0 - OUT NOW [12/8/2016]
Exclusive '10 is an "action facepack" which is made by the Cro-Manager community since 2009.
Up until now it has only been available for the members of the Cro-Manager GFX team, but this year EVERYONE can contribute to the process of creating facepacks.
Instructions for making the facepacks can be found in this thread.
Download Default pics
Install location for the default pics:
My Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 201x/skins/{ime skina}/graphics/pictures
Megapack 2.0 contains 26.167 individual pictures.
You can also download it from a Torrent, but, it may be slower since there isn't a lot of "seeders".
If you are interested in downloading it through GoogleDrivea and "seeding" the Megapack, contact me via a private message.
To download every league or club individualy, visit this thread.
#342454 Technical support thread
#341810 The Italian Football Thread
#341792 Exclusive '10 - JOIN US + DOWNLOAD & WORK IN PROGRESS
WORK IN PROGRESS (season 2016/17)
AC Milan - CRooY3
#341787 Facepacks Release thread
This thread is only for posting Team facepacks and getting feedback. Do not post in here asking for help on how to get the graphics to work or any kinds of requests.
If you want to help create this facepack, this is the topic where you will leave the download link for facepacks you've made. Everything else posted here will be deleated. Request and tehnical problems will have seperate threads.
After you make a team or a league, pack the picures in a .zip file and uploud it on a media sharing website (MediaFire, ZippyShare, MEGA&hellip