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#686411 Loan Fees - Help Me!
james harcourt
No, not using the editor.
#686360 Loan Fees - Help Me!
james harcourt
Hey all,
I've been playing FM for years (like CM days), and I've never noticed this issue before. I need your help as I think it's a bug, either that or coincidence and poor programming.
I started a Palermo save, successive promotions back to Serie A, despite this from C to B my reputation went down, from B to A my reputation went down and this year in A we finished 5th (predicted 20th) and reputation only went up 6. All facilities are good or great and we're obviously embarking on a season in the Europa league, however both last summer and this summer 99% of players I want to bring in on loan requires the same monthly fee, £150kpm playing and £300kpm non-playing. It doesnt seem to matter if they're a big player at a huge club who just needs minutes, or an upcoming player needing development.
The problem seems to be linked to whether the player wants to play for the club on loan, all those who do not (as I say 99% of them) need these huge fees to even agree a deal with the parent club. The 1% who are happy to play for me there's no fee, or at least different fees depending on the quality of the player.
So my questions are:
If it's the later I am going to stop the save, as it's ridiculous. If it's not a bug then c'mon FM at least change the monthly loan fee per player as it just looks lazy to say all clubs would always say 150/300.
I guess the final point for FM to consider is that, some of these players do not want to come to me as you'll see in the screenshots, but they'll end up in the championship, for no fee, no wages. We're in Europe, surely our reputation or the ‘pull factor’ of european football should sway the decision when choosing between Palermo and Peterborough!
Thanks all