RevReese - Comments

#697608 🛠️ Metallic Logos Technical Support Thread
15 years ago
3 months ago
By mons 07 August 2022 - 20:54 PM UTC 

As explained earlier, UIDs cannot be changed, they are fixed, so the bit in bold definitely does not apply. It's more likely that the editor data file you're using adds teams which are missing from the default database, thus generating a club which does not have a logo.


I'm not sure what it is you're asking though tbh. If you have one custom logo, you need to have different sizes and set-ups for each of them, i.e. normal and small, and create separate config files for each folder; use the same setup as this logopack by way of guide. I don't believe the backgrounds are still in use, but I might be mistaken there.


From my experience the UID of the team i currently manage did actually change by a couple of digits when switching from the level 10 to the level 13 database, that's why i got confused as i thought that maybe that had happened to some of the other logos, but that can't be the case if as you said the UID of the “vanilla” clubs do not change, so they were added by the database.


That particular logo is not in the pack anyway so i added it (in it's own folder no problem).

I think you're right though, the teams were added by the database so no logo, makes sense.

But, the vast majority of clubs seem to have their logos as expected some do not, so i assumed that is where the pack ended.


I was just trying to figure out a way of making sure those lower non league clubs got their logos too (if they were in the graphics folder but not applying in game for some reason), as some do some don't, so i thought there was a problem and i was hoping to use fmxml to do the configs to (hopefully) fix it.


I will have another look in game and see if i can eyeball some clubs that are in the link you posted (very helpful by the way!) and double check them.

Sorry for the confusion, it has been bugging me for days so after finding nothing useful, i thought i would post in the obvious place.

Thank you for your patience.



Edit: I just checked and it seems all of the regional premier and tier 10 clubs are all there with logos, but tier 11 and below do not.

However, i did figure something out, it only seems to be the reserve teams in the lower leagues that have their logos! even at level 13, the only teams that have logos are the reserve teams from a higher league.


I think that is the mystery solved, no need for editing configs! I apologise for hijacking this thread.

Thank you for your help though, i appreciate it.

#697602 🛠️ Metallic Logos Technical Support Thread
15 years ago
3 months ago
By mons 07 August 2022 - 19:47 PM UTC 

I would recommend that you put graphics for custom files (i.e. the ones not in the game) in a separate folder entirely. This will mean that the logopack does not lose all its settings, should you make a mistake when changing the config using fmxml.


I only have the one custom logo and it is in a separate folder and works no problem.

How would i go about doing this? the only thing i can think of is to run fmxml for each subfolder so … graphics/logos/metallic logos/clubs/normal plus small/back left/back right.

Would that work? I am using custom databases for England/Ireland/N.Ireland/Scotland and Wales, but 90% of the clubs i look at have their logo, with the odd few that do not.


Obviously the lower down i look, the less logos which makes sense, i simply assumed that was where the pack ended, but now i am wondering if it is because of the England Level 13 database changing some IDs.


I am sure fmxml is the answer but i am not sure what to do.

#697583 🛠️ Metallic Logos Technical Support Thread
15 years ago
3 months ago
By mons 07 August 2022 - 17:30 PM UTC 

Sure 👍


Thank you, sorry to bother you again but would i need to run fmxml for each subfolder in turn to replace the configs? I have used fmxml a little and it is simple to use but i wonder how to go about it in the best way.



#697575 🛠️ Metallic Logos Technical Support Thread
15 years ago
3 months ago
By mons 07 August 2022 - 10:58 AM UTC 

Megapacks work because the items in the default database have fixed UIDs, which are the same in your saved game, mine or in somebody in deepest and darkest Polynesia. You can in fact use the browse function on this site to check each country's division's to see which teams have a logo and which don't - this is England's page, for example. 1,179 out of the 1,184 clubs in the official database have a logo, for example. All of them, essentially. The config files for megapacks map a specific filename to a specific UID, for logos in this case.


Issues rear their head, however, when custom databases are used (via editor data files) which add items to the official database. Whether they're people, competitions or clubs, these will have random UIDs, which will differ depending on the amount and content of any other editor data file you have in place. If you and I have the exact same file setup, created items will have the same UIDs in our save games, but it is quite likely that different people have different editor data files, 


Since the combination of different editor data files might result in different UIDs for the same items, this will mean that graphics files for created items will not work the same for different setups because the UIDs will change, needing the config file to be manually changed for each different setup. This is mostly why most graphic megapacks do not include items not in the default database, as it's simply too difficult to explain and correct, and it may well differ for every single different user.


In short, for items not in the default database, you will need to change the config file manually after you start the save game, depending on the combination of editor data files you have in place.


Hi mons, thank you for your detailed reply! that is what i thought was the case but needed clarification.

Can i use FMXml to fix this?

#697482 🛠️ Metallic Logos Technical Support Thread
15 years ago
3 months ago

Hi all!, this Megapack is an incredible piece of work! a huge thank you to all involved!

However, i have a question:
How far down into non-league does this pack go? and can using a custom database break logos? i have all the latest updates and i am currently playing in England level 10 (using the level 13 database) and notice that some clubs at this level have their logos and some do not.

I did notice that when trying out the England level 10 database, the club's ID had changed ever so slightly, causing me to rename my custom logo to make it visible. 

I removed the level 10 database and readded the level 13 and my added logo came back after renaming it again.

I am learning more about modding FM and i am sure everything is installed correctly and the file was not corrupt when i downloaded it.

Can anyone help me out?

Thank you for your time.

#696894 [FM22] League of Ireland Upgrades
15 years ago
3 months ago
By kingrobbo 01 August 2022 - 18:00 PM UTC 

Read the FAQs 


Thanks for the link, i don't know how i didn't find that! having a read now and will see if i can teach myself how to fix it.


Well, i didn't get very far before getting hopelessly lost, will be trying to learn a bit more before trying something of this scope again.

However, i did find the author of this file has updated to 22.4 on the steam workshop:


#696844 [FM22] League of Ireland Upgrades
15 years ago
3 months ago

This doesn't work with the latest database, it says it needs to be verified by the editor and i don't know how to do that.

Does anyone know of another Ireland lower league database as i can't find one, or knows how to verify this file?

#220729 Any other matters - related to Cut Outs but not to any particular thread
15 years ago
3 months ago
No reason why you shouldn't use 7.0 and beyond. The only thing that will happen is that a small proportion of the images in the pack will be for persons which aren't in that version of FM. But given they're not in your game, then that won't really matter

I thought so, I just wanted to make sure, thank you very much!
#220717 Any other matters - related to Cut Outs but not to any particular thread
15 years ago
3 months ago
Hi all! Just a quick question:
Can I use the 7.0 release for FM2014 or stick with 6.10?
Not sure whether to download the new one or not as I don't currently own FM2015 (yet).

Thank you for your time.